[Event Idea] Sonic and Friends!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by i_Too_Ch1ll_4_U_, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Thank you for your support!
  2. Omg this is so cool definitely support it
  3. support ???
  4. I love the idea of having sonic and friends great memories!!
  5. Support! But wth is with that spike trap? Everyone will just end up with dozens of those and no avas :lol:
  6. I support it just make another hunt asap lol
  7. Thank you for your support!
  8. Thank you for your support. And no, the spike traps are just an endless amount of sorry, not so lucky. But for every time you use the Master Emerald, your chances of getting Avatars increases. Luck can't always play a role right?
  9. Thank you for your support
  10. Lol thank you for your support.
  11. Ikr? Why not bring him and his friends to party with us?
  12. Thank you for your support!
  13. The autism is strong
  14. Omg. I love the Avis!!! I want this dude I'd collect them all so fast
  15. Thank you for your support! Definitely go for all of em!
  16. Thank you so much for your support!
  17. Thank you for your support!