[Event Idea] Sonic and Friends!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by i_Too_Ch1ll_4_U_, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. This is an amazing idea I'm already choosing what avis I wanna get. I hope this can become a hunt I'm actually looking forward to this. Because this and I mean this is absolutely an amazing idea. 
  2. Hella yes! Support.
  3. Thank you so much for your support!
  4. Thank you for your support.
  5. Thank you for your support!
  6. Thank you for your support.
  7. Not bad na
  8. Nice idea ♡ ^_^ ♡
  9. Thank you for your support!
  10. op have you emailed support yet??
  11. Yep. I got a reply back from then too. Its being taken into consideration
  12. nice. hopefully this idea will turn out to be a hunt in the future.
  13. I think everyone who agreed would hope so to.
  14. Support.
    Although a horror themed hunt would be nice too ?
  15. Thank you for your support.
  16. Bump. (This thread shall never die. ?)
  17. I LOVE this idea. it's definitely well thought out too