[Event Idea] Sonic and Friends!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by i_Too_Ch1ll_4_U_, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Thanks for reading this at least.
  2. Never played sonic but I like the idea and the designs. It would be nice if one set had strength heavy female and one set was strength heavy male, then the even build to give options to those who consider the builds. But I support this and going back to the older style of hunts!
  3. Yeah I was looking back and I was like awwe crapbaskets. I should've made a strength heavy set, Intel heavy set and balanced. But I was just trying to match friends with friends. Didn't do a good job with knuckles and Amy though.... But thank you for your support!
  4. Amazing artwork could still use some work but I like the overall idea and for anyone slamming this post if you can do better then post it
  5. i forgot to tell you that I SHADOW :D .I WISH THIS HUNT WILL START SOON. :)
  6. Thank you for the support!
  7. I'm still waiting for my Zelda idea to be a hunt... it's been almost a year :lol: but support!
  8. Thank you for your support!

    Edit: did you email ata about it?
  9. Support
  10. Thank you for your support!
  11. I've seen lots of ppl talking on this... By the topic title in active topics I thought "oh gawd, here's another" and flipped past. But seeing more and more whispers I came to check it out and OMG I would TOTALLY do this hunt! 
    I'm not even a huge sonic fan but I LOOOOVE this style of avatar art. Just epic. Support support support.
  12. That actually made me smile tbh. Thank you so much for your support.
  13. This community need more people like you! Driven and wanting new fresh ideas! You don't just whine about things you actually brought something to the table. And it wasn't half baked. Demanding a themed rom ATA cuz your a fan. No, what you did is You specified different aspects that can be explored. This even inspired me on how pimd could release parties. "Celeb drop ins". This sonic idea reinforced some dynamics of game play with this HP hunt where the characters dropped in. ATA would be foolish not to brainstorm on this inspiration to the community. I have so much I could say about this but it's all so much to type. I wish I could just shake ATA and day "look here's a player who really wants to enhance the community". Chill, you are an inspiration.
  14. 70% total for balanced avi? Could see iff the ultra rare was like a 61%/9% or something. Like the idea though
  15. Well the Ultra Rares are Shadow and Rogue. The idea of having to bring in 2 more Avatars to step in are Legendary Rares (LR). They will come in when 7 Chaos Emeralds are out and their combined stats will be 70%. But thank you for your support.
  16. Any word from ata? I really hope it's a go . just waiting to hear from them
  17. I want All kinds of anime character here in pimd.
  18. Ata took a look when I showed em SS of this thread and replied back that it looks seriously awesome and gonna show it to other devs and take it as a consideration. Love the artwork as well.
  19. I hope they agree and allow this one to go through so many people believe ata or pimd doesn't care but they do. They are tryinh to improve and taking suggestions like this might help the players realize it's a hard job
  20. It does my heart really good to know I have support from many players and others who haven't commented on this. To those of you who thought this was an actual hunt but then realized it wasn't, I'm really sorry but I too am hoping it will be an actual hunt as well. I came up with the idea of instead of just typing in words and stuff, I'd actually use pictures so you can visualize the looks and understand the concepts. I'm sure Ata will change how the avatars will look and such but I wouldn't mind. As long as everything stays the way it is. I know everyone wants a break from testing their luck so I am wanting to give The PIMD players and all others a chance to have the avatars that you want. Ik for a fact everyone wants a certain avatar but I would really recommend going for all of em that way you have more added to your collection. One thing definitely for certain is that I forgot to mention that new avatars will be out during the hunt. 2 new Avatars that are Legendary Rare (LR). You have Super Sonic as your LR and Super Shadow as your LR. Only way to get them is 1: you have all 7 Chaos Emeralds 2: you have at least one of the original Avatars, i.e. Sonic and Shadow. It is possible to get both but once you get one of the LRs, your chances of getting the other will decrease some. Now I was asked is it possible to bring in female LR avatars and I said yes it is. So more gender equality Avatars will be added for more ppl to collect and acquire. More items will definitely be added too and it won't be expensive but expensive enough to where you can still afford it with no problems. The Chaos Emeralds as I mentioned IS giftable, BUT you can only carry one of each 7. Chaos Emeralds can be obtained in 2 ways: doing parties, or logging in everyday. More and more and more ideas will keep piling in to this hunt until everyone is completely satisfied. Of course I couldn't leave out PvP and I'm sure some PvPers would love to have fun in this hunt by attacking other players so I decided to do this: if you successfully attack another player, you have a chance to steal their rings. Items will be added to help you steal rings or to help you defend yourself against players who love to attack others. I'm not gonna say this is the best hunt idea, but I really want to make this hunt fun for literally everyone. If you guys have any ideas of how you think this hunt should be, I'm all ears. But thank you everyone for showing support and wanting this hunt to happen.