[Event Idea] Sonic and Friends!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by i_Too_Ch1ll_4_U_, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Well thank you for taking the time to read it at least.
  2. Wow. You gave this some thought.
  3. I put my heart and soul into this. I even emailed Ata and they're taking it into consideration.
  4. I like this idea but collecting 1000 rings will be difficult. Please reduce the number of rings. 
  5. It won't really be difficult. All you have to do is do parties. If since ppl like to PvP, steal rings from others. But thanks for your support.
  6. I think everyone should email ata and say WE WANT THIS HUNT
  7. Don't support sorry
  8. Thank you for your support!
  9. Well thank you for reading it at least.
  10. Major support I'd love to have shadow
  11. Thank you for your support!
  12. Lol that'll get em to start it up.
  13. I somewhat support this ?
  14. Well thank you for reading this at least.
  15. Better than no support at all.
  16. Yes please let us make this an event
  17. Thank you for your support!