[Event Idea] Sonic and Friends!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by i_Too_Ch1ll_4_U_, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Support good idea op even though i hate hunt and dont party
  2. Thank you for your support!
  3. Well thank you for your support. I'll see what I can do to -insert PvP here-

    Support, good idea! Although the the amount of rings you need is a little excessive, I guess it matches with the time limit for the hunt.
    I'd also like to see how ATA changes up the Avis to make it appear more like the other ones here. And while people may complain about the Avis turning a little sleazy, the Rouge one is supposed to be that way ?
    I also like the items and the spike-trap concept, but maybe if you made a limit, say 500 or something, people may not complain as much about the item.
  5. While I don't think it's trepidatious, I would like to see (no hunts but that will never happen) hunts with less drops, and a higher aim.
    I.e. Christmas pug hunt, get pugs, get 3500 bam you get both avatars and a few stat reward show case things. An actual hunt with a challenge. This is a well detailed plan.

    I suggest if you want anyone important to see it email ATA: support@athinkingape.com
    Include your ign, idea (obvs) and what game you play.
  6. I like the concept. Support! Bat girl and Amy will be mine!
  7. Well this one kinda has less drops but for every time you give a shard t the emerald, your chances if receiving Avatars is higher. Of course more items will be added, but some will be added to the gifts whereas others will be added to the emerald. But thank you for the support.
  8. Lol the no limit on the Spike Trap was the trolling part hence the description of it saying: waap waap waaaaaaaaaap. A lot of ppl are looking for challenges but at the same time, ppl want a break too. Which is why if this hunt was to go live, you get a break from gift prices and you get a break from having less Avatar drops. Plus I also wanted to bring something new for players that have Balanced stats. I'm pretty sure everyone wanted an avatar that is balanced so why not give em this. Lastly, I wouldn't be surprised if Ata changed it up a few, just as long as they cab at least give players a break, I wouldn't mind but thank you for your support.
  9. You should also try going for the Balanced Avatars too! You never know when another hunt with an avatar that is balanced coming out.
  10. No problem, although I do think as someone who is a (dumb) and b never personally player sonic (yes I know "what did you do with your childhood!" Apparently I wasted it?) it might be a tad bit confusing.
  11. Well its actually an easy thing to do. Of course, I want to add challenges on here so instead of making it to where you do parties and gain stuff, any player that successfully attacks [Fight] will cause you to lose some rings.
  12. Omg...
    I la la love it!
    I don't know why anyone said it was childish...
    I REMEMBER playing Sonic on the Sega Genesis when I was younger and loving it...
    AND as an adult I have it installed on my phone...
    Sonic is timeless...
    I thank you for bringing your idea to life...

  13. Thank you for your support!!!
  14. Support ?
    Except for the 1/1 no limit ?
  15. Thank you for your support.
  16. I love this event idea!!  it seems like it would be a really great hunt already and I'm already wanting one of those suggested Avis ? Thanks for the suggestion, you've got my support. It looks like you put a lot of thought and effort into it as well.
  17. I literally put my heart and soul in this hunt and I'm trying to make things easier for ppl so they can have a break but they can also have some fun. And thank you for your support!
  18. Thank you for your support!