[Event Idea] Sonic and Friends!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by i_Too_Ch1ll_4_U_, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Good idea ?You put a lot of thought into this.
  2. Perfect for my rs and i
  3. I dug up an old thread, but its an old hunt idea thread. ?
  4. well planned out. Support.
  5. I looked over this and this is actually well planned out. Love sonic since I was a kid and I still do today. Thank god for Sonic Generations. Anyway, Support.
  6. AWESOME 
  7. SUPPORT, good work on thread
  9. I was so gonna do that.
  10. What a coincidence , the scrub I thought was chill, bumped his thread 
    You know, just when I think I saw real stupid on Pimd, I always have you to remind me otherwise
  11. I actually like this idea?
  12. ??How about a pvp event where you have to war and BL hit to get drops for avatar something different?
  13. Wait... GURU IS CHILL?
    Bwahahaahhahahahhhaha what a motherfucking joke
  14. ??Guru is fufu??
  15. This was the lamest idea tbh :(
  16. Oh I would love this