Even vs. Uneven Build?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by violet-rain2, Aug 24, 2019.

  1. What are the pros and cons to having a balanced vs. strength vs. intelligence build? Does it matter if I'm only hitting parties and not doing PvP?
  2. You may not choose to participate in PvP, but that doesn't mean nobody's gonna hit you anyways.

    You should be prepared
  3. So I'm definitely not an expert on pvp, but I believe if you do not plan to attack anyone you should lean towards a higher intelligence stat to increase your defense against attacks.
  4. Intel builds get attacked the most. They're the easiest for strength builds to hit.
  5. Strength build ftw. Don't farm me pls I have tuts to feed
  6. Here is a guide that explains the pros and cons of the different builds :)
  7. Inb4lock
  8. There’s so many strength and a lot of there highest in intell 20 so I feel like if you just upgrade enough in intell yeah fight builds will come for you but eventually your intell will be bigger. Sometimes i debate going to intell when someone has like 50 in strength and 7 in intell and I’m like maybe if my intell was a bit higher
  9. Looks like muschi beat the mod this time
    Muschi likes this.
  10. Even, so they all underestimate you ;)
    BEARCRUMBS likes this.
  11. oh apparently i missed that, but she is typically on top of her forum shiz anyways so idk what you mean by this time 🌚
    Muschi likes this.
  12. You beat her at giving out info the other day
    Muschi likes this.
  13. We'll need to do a tiebreaker match.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.