NEW FEATURE ENDED - VIP Subscriptions - Soft Launch PHASE 1

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. No, they're not.

    Maybe someone who is in the middle of upgrading a dorm or ata can offer a comparison of what level the VIP stats are boosted to but its not comparable to lvl20 items.

    The bonus this does offer is in the wp/floor/poster/above desk as those items are not able to be leveled.
  2. I’d like to try!

    Think it’d be better to at least make furni tradeable though.
  3. After checking the furniture in the BF furni boxes the VIP Token Exclusive furniture is comparable to lvl4 furni items. Higher stats than lvl3 but lower than lvl5.

    Of course again the added bonus of the wall, floor, poster and above desk having boosted stats means you could make a lvl20 dorm slightly stronger by mixing these in than having a matching set.

    Although ata I would love if we got an update to be able to lvl20 our wp/floor/poster/above desk 🙏
    Muschi likes this.
  4. I like it 👀 hope to have a invite to try it out 😂 I understand wanting to test some things first, but it’s a little unfair to let some have it and not all. There are clear advantages with this and others don’t even get the opportunity to access it for a while. Not just in terms of saving a little money, but with 2x pet things and whatnot. So they get what? A week, a month maybe, of being able to use these features and get ahead while everyone else is still doing things the normal way without even the option to do it too?
    Tangerines, Help, Bhae and 2 others like this.

  5. Hello, AtaWill

    First and Foremost the way you guys planned this out it could have went accordingly instead putting these items in the shop where you don’t have the chosen members that should have been exclusive, and then if you guys have already experienced testing out things and it didn’t approve well , what makes you think it will work out with those who would probably lose out unfortunately testing out as well, I feel you guys should’ve thought this idea out before introducing, I am interested in it at the same time I don’t think it’s fair, to just round after words round up others give these people who actually commented and said add even you said you can’t make that promise so with that being said you guys are testing the water out and the fact that most people like and others will never have that opportunity to test chosen members are getting the benefit first seat ticket 🎫 to experience this subscription with all that being said, meanwhile you have people who are very interested in this offer .. being promoted at such a time Ata ..
    xDevilx and renamed32642 like this.
  6. I'd be interested in being invited 🥺
  7. 74 x 12 is not $80
  8. Please invite tyvm
  9. Invite pleaseee 🙊 just take all my money loool
  10. 😭 invites? I'll try and be patient then 🥲
  11. Damn I want in on this deal👩🏻‍🦯 lemme buy🥲
  12. Im also interested pls send me invite 🥰

  13. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ 🫣
  14. Interested sign me up
  15. Inv pls thank you🫶
  16. Let me and my rs test it 🥹 we already have all the subscriptions anyway 🙊
  17. Invite me to this please
  18. I'm interested 😊
  19. 🙋🏽‍♀️
  20. Oooooo! This is exciting! I’m definitely interested ✨