Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! Plz help me reach 350 by sending ur pugs plz need real help
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! There will be a easter hunt find the rainbow eggs or white bunny ik ata is thinking about this
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! I wish we can send bulk gifts ? Can you fix that ATA??
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! Funny, every post I've seen has been people are saying end it.
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! If i start 10x promo party before the end of time do i still get pugs if we finish it past the end of time ?
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! Any parties started before the 12:00PM cutoff will still receive the 10x Pug rate.
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! All these extended promos only made it frustrating for those who completed a substantial amount that should put them in top 200.. Only speaking for those who didn't need the 5x 10x drop to reach 350.
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! Your argument doesn't make any sense MIC. If people had a substantial amount of pugs before the 5x and 10x then it's not as though the extensions took any pugs away from them (then being high stat players like yourself), if anything it widened the gap between those players and the smaller stat players. I honestly don't see why people like yourself are even complaining. You guys are the most selfish, greediest of the bunch who feel self-entitled to win the top prizes solely because you're ancient and have been a around longer which is not what these promos should be about. They should solely reflect the amount of time and effort a player is willing to put in during the time of the promo and nothing else. Anyway you look at it it wasn't fair. Drops were awful and inconsistent and instead of ATA owning up to that and admitting it they tried to shovel the issues under the rug by doing these last minute extensions and 5x parties. It was an awful promo and I hope ATA will use this as a learning experience as to what works, what is considered fair, and what will actually have the makings of a decent if not good, promo.
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! Agree with Sayisha 100% amen to what she said lol.
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! HOLY SHIT! I'm Not Even At The First TEIR LOL X﹏X
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! Normally i dont respond to something someone respond to what i say,regardless of how long ive played this still have to put time in by partying. tradingand friends helped to get the amount i have. And on top of that i helped many to reach their goal. Your upset about something other than what son is sleep ,u can follow me so you can talk about it.
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! Yeah, I don't need you to try and psychoanalyze me to try and figure out what I'm "upset" about. This was a bad promo that favored a certain group of people (high stats, people with a lot of alternative accounts, people with a lot of money) anyone who tries to pass it off as being fair is delusional. That's not me being upset, that's me being realistic and honest. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're being overly emotional or taking something too seriously, that's the argument people insecure in their stances and viewpoints make. I've already noted my views on the matter, I hope that others will do the same and that ATA in turn will listen, other than that I have nothing more to offer or respond to.
Re: [EXTENDED] Last Chance Promo! Pug Event Ending Soon! I well agree with Sayisha.well said!O really hope pimd community sees this.