If you've seen Slaughter Houses that of course House animals. It is been known that a good Majority of Animels are Mistreated and Killed off terribly just for eating. If you've seen some farm houses kill chickens they snap their necks first. Some brake their legs before anything.
you think im a tryhard? lmfao this loser doesnt even know who i am. listen here you nobody, get to know who people are before you try and act cool and superior, cause all you did was prove how much of a noob you really are
I'm a nobody, obviously you dont know me since you're new, my Main is Hulk , but im guessing you're just that tryhard who thinks they know everything
And please refrain from calling me a loser, you're that typical dude who takes everything seriously behind a screen
Why even start this argument on the first place all I did was say end animal abuse , then you start flaming my thread since you're a little tryhard, no, I do not know you because I'm new, and No I do not know you because I have little knowledge, it's because I dont waste my time on this App like you
i love it when people like you get all wound up about nothing jesus chill loser. dont wanna be judged dont post. simple as that
I have played for 3 years, I was very active on the forums with my account Hulk. But of course you know everything