Emoji on Names

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChocoIateGod, Jun 19, 2021.

  1. Lowkey love the idea of emojis attached to our names for holidays and stuff.

    It would be cool if for future prides we had an option to purchase the emoji flag for our preferred sexuality/gender.

    same with holidays. If we had an option of emojis to choose from🌚

    or custom emojis tbh
  2. Tbh theres started to be alot of emojis being released for names. So holiday ones will probly come soon to
    Muschi likes this.
  3. There's only emojis for the rainbow pride flag and the transgender pride flag though. So I mean, I'm done with the trans pride flag being an emoji spell but atm that's really all ATA can do.