Elections 2020

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheCatLady, Aug 23, 2019.


    It's funny because it's true
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  2. He's not bold enough
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  3. He's bold plenty. The only guy that has been talking about the real shit
  4. He's bold enough, the dude is quite a badass. But the files are likely the only thing keeping him alive. He's got them set to release with a dead man's switch if anything happens to him.
  5. I see. Then I am berry curious to see what happens
  6. Dude has a good following too. Just not enough to get him.in the white house
  7. Imma be honest, I have no idea who you’re talking about
  8. You're in luck! He's in his 70s so we'll likely outlive him and get to see what happens
  9. Oml this made me snort. You're so morbid 💕
    Angee likes this.
  10. I don’t use Twitter
  11. Your president discussed his policies on twitter. How can u not?
  12. Because Twitter is a trash bucket, and I don’t need use that bucket to read his tweets because they’re all over the internet in less than an hour.
    Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  13. Twitter and most social media are pretty meh. I have one but I only use it for writing motivation
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  14. What can I say? I'm a realist
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  15. I love Uncle Donnie, but I don't use Twitter either.
  16. Uuncle donnie is an interesting character lol. Also i kinda have to use twitter so i followed trump as well