Easter Eden Shards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by renamed41832, Apr 9, 2019.

  1. Selling 800 bunny pieces for 1 bento
    100 fawn for 1 bento
    65 lamb for chibis

    414 lambs

  3. Buying 700 fawns shards 100:1B
  4. Buying 1300 fawns. Wmo.
  5. Buying 400 lamb for 1 bento

  7. Selling 52 lambs
  8. selling bunnies 200:1b
    selling lambs 100:1b

    buying fawns ??
  9. *buying 1300 fawns for 13b/100:1b*
  10. Buying fawn shards wmo
  11. Need 146 lambs
  12. 1200 more lamb shards (aka 12b or 6b if you’re lucky) for a 5% percentage boost? Nty.
  13. buying fawn shards !! ???
    selling bunnies and lambs for bentos or stats ???
  14. BUYING 600 LAMBS 2B 25C
  15. I need 383 fawns please.??‍♀️

    Can trade 289 bunnies
    & 94 lambs, for them.

    If you don't want to trade wall me the price of your 383 fawns.?

    Need them quick so please,
    Help a gal out.?‍♀️
  17. Buying 600 lambbs for 2b amid
  18. If you still got fawns, check my wall. I got people looking to buy at 50 per bento. ?
  19. I still have 85 lamb shards left and I believe 355 bunny ones WM if interested
  20. well i need 1,348 fawns if anyone sees this thread lmfao 