Easter Eden Shards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by renamed41832, Apr 9, 2019.

  1. Buying fawns with my showcase?

    Selling bunnies ??
  2. Looking for 800 fawns
  3. Bunnies sold, looking for 500 fawns still!
  4. Can I just buy 1 of each... For my showcase? I'm too poor for the avatars
  5. ???Selling Fawns???
    570 : 17b
  6. selling 110 lambs and 110 bunnies. wmos!
  7. Selling Bunnies and Lambs Bulk Price will be given If buying all
    BUNNIES 400:1
    LAMB 300:1
  9. Trading 250 lambs for 100 fawns
  10. Buying lamb or fawn shards WMO
    I have bentos and spinner items ️️
  11. ⚔Selling per 
    150 bunny
    100 lamb
    30 fawn
    ⚔Selling SHARDS⚔
  12. Selling Fawns ::
    100 :3B
    33 :1B
  14. selling bunnies / trading them for fawns.
    wm ♡
  15. Selling fawns! 35:1b
  16. buying lambs and fawns
    with furniture and showcase (bb, shards, boxes)
    or bentos  will pay double over time 

    p.s. im fairly new so if u have any unwanted extras... i’ll take them 
  17. Selling 1k bunnies, lambs and fawns wmo 
  18. I’m selling ceramic bunnies:)
  19. Buying 800 bunnies. Wall me your offers ?
  20. If anyone has any extra lambs I can buy (not bulk) please wall me. I literally need 7 more ?