As far as reading each page, there is no mathematical proof ( here in forums) that supports the earth is flat or round. Mathematically, a small dot traveling on a path of a sphere will not see the curvature. Also, mathematically, objects on the edge of an elliptical plane travel tangent to the elipse's surface. Again, it doesn't necessarily see the curvature. That's how mathematics backs it up. Additionally , if the world was flat then there would be an edge. There is no edge, if you travel straight along the equator you'd eventually go back to your starting point. The only shapes you can do this with are conics. The shape of a parabola and hyperbole are out of question so it must be an ellipse. Even without technology, a person can test this but it's not realistic without boats, cars, and traveling literally straight through civilizations (buildings). As for NASA being "fake", they do more than space exploration, they do a ton of on earth research when it comes to geology and other scientific topics. Nearly all of the world's top scientists can explain to you that the world is not flat. That is because of our technology, the fact that they make calculations assuming it's round, the calculations work, and the calculations for a flat World fail. Good job trolling though.
Are you serious? I mean, it's only common sense. Ever been on a plane? See the curvature in the horizon? Pretty self explanatory. When you fly East... why do you come from the West? There's no need to try to prove anything lol
That's like Someone told you water is dry and you are believing it until someone proves you it's wet Use some common sense smh
But if you were on a plane and there's real curvature why doesn't the Pilot have to constantly Angle the plane downwards to match the curve, if there was a curve and the pilot kept flying straight, wouldn't they eventually leave the earths atmosphere ? Any horizon is flat and shows no curve .. unless you're looking at earth from AT LEAST 40,000 feet up, you wouldn't see curvature, just a flat horizon.
once again I'm not saying prove its round... Cause it obviously is... But instead of calling him stupid disprove what he's saying
Everyone is thinking of a flat earth like I said as if there was no edge, THE EDGE IS THE ANTARCTIC AND ANTARCTICA ITSELF. The "flat earth" would be looked at basically from the top (North Pole) and you would basically flatten the globe out and everything is in the same location. The edge of the world is Antarctica , no matter which angle you come from in the world, the South Pole wraps all the around the whole "bottom" or "edge" of the earth. Isn't it interesting why Antarctica is controlled by military and scientists, the average person can't just go anywhere on the continent as they please you need clearance.
Well you've almost wasted a whole day in this rabbit hole now. Please let us know when you decide it's a bottomless pit, I give it a few weeks before you realize you feel for the shill play...lmao conspiracy noob
I'm gonna just say I'm tired of your negativity on my thread and thereby kicking you -Poppyseed- off my thread thank you your comments are no longer appreciated
thought you couldn't ask people to leave threads anymore. ..and aphrodite calm yo lil panties and stop taking jabs at what's her name
Well he can ask a mod about that on his time as far as I'm aware that rule wasn't taken down please keep this on topic or you can leave as well
OP can ask for someone to leave their thread its completely valid and if asked person refuses to action can be taken asked him/her