NEW FEATURE Dye Your Furniture!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 1, 2020.

  1. Its how i thort it was gonna be like when seen this thread pop up
    -Adaley- and Muschi like this.
  2. so you want us to spend $5 for each 3 color dyes that are limited to only SHOP furni rn, am i reading this right? it wouldve been nice to get 1 free color dye and to add an option to take off the color for ec, actually- have color dye for ec too.
    FastForward likes this.
  3. Bruh... all we wanted was an open all button for speedup timer really bruh
    Empress_, _Pristine_ and FastForward like this.
  4. There’s really no need to be rude, it’s a suggestion that many people agree on , one more post about it wouldn’t hurt , it’s all good though haha
  5. Actually the extra post about it just gave me a hernia. Think b4 u speak 🤍
  6. It really would
  7. With the amount of times its been posted it gives me a headache every time i see them 2 words put together now
  8. This. Aside from being able to go back and forth on the colors, you would also skip having to scroll in the shop.

    Also, I acknowledge that when you dye something irl, you can't get it back to its original form without painting on top of what you've already painted. But if we're going by real life logic, then we probably shouldn't have hundreds or thousands of pet food bags in our tiny dorm rooms either.
    So the idea of being able to switch between the color schemes makes more sense from a game perspective, considering people have to pay so much to unlock the content ✌️
    Muschi likes this.
  9. Why can't it be reversible?

    The furniture community would eat this kind of thing up. Decent idea. Support.

    Would be nice if it was an option.

    Won't affect market much let alone negatively.
    Muschi likes this.
  10. If it was reversable then ATA would lose money, thats probably why they made it that way.
    If you reverse the dye job and (I’m guessing you would) get your dye back, then you can easily buy dye and switch around the colors with the same piece of furni without having to buy that same furni from the store to put a new color on it.
  11. That... Is not what I meant.

    That would imply you getting the dye back. No need for that. Just have the new style be unlocked as an option which can be toggled from a menu.

    Your dye is gone, you gain the option.
    hgjhhjbjbihhg and Muschi like this.
  12. Jogging and I have no doubt in front of them are:p;)is:(:p:(not
    Kefo and Muschi like this.
  13. Period 💯
  14. That’s pretty much the same thing as getting your dye back, you would still have that same issue 👀
  15. also- not saying that having the dyes unlock options is a bad idea ofc, just that ATA has done some money-steep stuff before so I doubt they’ll implement these ideas
  16. So i haven't played for a while, purchased furniture dye, and am i understanding correctly that i cannot use it on furniture i already own?
  17. You can use it on whatever is in the store
  18. You can only use it on the furniture items shown in the furniture dye store. To make the dyed item, you need the required amount of the dye shown as well as the undyed version of the furniture item.
  19. Lol this has been a long debated question