Discussion in 'Strategy' started by N1GHTM4R3, Apr 29, 2018.

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  1. Just want to inform players, stand on your grounds, no one can tell you how to play your game. Just follow ATA rules and don’t worry about those bullies. Remember one thing, they can’t win THE PEOPLE ?
  2. This is long past the time when the old "REKT" gif would've been posted for op
  3. Sis I know we're all getting so tired of seeing this thread. Y'all made your points
  4. Support af tbh
  5. Dear Riven,

    No one is telling you to look at my thread, simple don’t click on it if your not interested, just an advice. ? assuming that you like what I post here, your interest won’t let you not click on this thread ?safe pimding ?
  6. Chill??

  7. How much you lost now ? ???
    If your bored post ss of my hits ?
  8. k lol

  9. Yikes ? why ask for a bunch of fails to be posted
  10. i was like quarter bars too ?
  11. As, your friends and family shouldn't let you go near the kitchen tonight. I keep hitting nerves. I couldn't be irrelevant even if I wanted to. The real love me. Lol. I don't desperately do anything especially not for compliments. Read and give constructive criticism. That's all I ask. They aren't that, that's what your life is... literally, as I've proven... You don't even love yourself. Why do you attack and expect me to be submissive about it? Are you shocked when I defend effortlessly and shut you up?
  12. jaco nobody fu​​cking CARES take a hint from all your accounts being banned and uninfu​​ckingstall already jesus christ
  13. Take a hint from no one caring about you. Stop mentioning me already and you wouldn't have to worry about me pointing out how much you hate yourself. You getting more frustrated? Which dev are you begging to ban me? Do you need some time to cry? Leave me alone and I'll spare you. I'll keep hurting your feelings dude. Don't test me
  14. You care enough to mention me in a negative way when nobody even cares about you irl nor on here. All you had to do was stop mentioning me, but you didn't.
  16. Lol, dude at the bottom begging for pics with the tongue and wet emoji. Now that's funny
  17. look at the time numbskull, i took ss 11 mins after you asked me to at 19:26
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