EVENT Dropping The Ball

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Dec 31, 2019.

  1. From opening boxes
  2. I want her to tbh I wanna know how to get her
  3. Over almost 2 days no leaderboard and no more side stories 🙄
  4. 2nd side story will likely be released today at changeover. There's only been one changeover since the hunt began.
  5. I love the events but I’ve noticed there becoming harder to complete especially for low stat users / players. I barely get enough drops and rarely get an avi which is frustrating as there’s been some that I’ve wanted. Also the pricing for items in shop / avi’s etc are too costly. All ages play and not ALL users can afford to spend real money in app. Plus the prices differ for various countries.

    I love the app but listen to your players - don’t become another company who is all cash based.

    Yea, you need to make a profit as I know making an app, improvements cost a lot and the work in app takes a long time but try have a nice balance and cater to all people across the globe, all ages, all cultures and all ppl with various lives / price ranges.

    Just my opinion before anyone jumps me for my post. Keep improving and like I said listen to the ppl who are fans, loyal and play the app.

    Oh and one more side note, you need a better report system, as I’ve blocked and reported several abusive, inappropriate players and the accs are still active....? Be careful like I state all ages play and some content I’ve read can be highly x-rated.....
    Sodo likes this.
  6. Flash
  8. @Trendsetting has no ball to drop. can we get this pussy ass dude some tampons for his time of the month? he has to hide on an alt and is too scared to come out. where' the daily race debate tho?
  9. You're hiding on an alt rn bitch made f. Foh.

    We'll find you on a milk carton for being a sex offender
  10. So how do you get avatars? I’m confused
  11. Which of them? Two of them drop from hunt boxes, other two are story rewards after collecting a certain amount of drops. The last ones are leaderboard avatars.
  12. This app is 17+. All ages should NOT be playing.
    ATA has no control over this.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  13. Oooooooo
  14. How do I go?? 🥰
  15. Whyd we get last side quest on final day? Is ATA trying to force me to flash to complete?
  16. [​IMG]
    I came to express my appreciation for this item info and to let y'all know I found it v amusing. 😂 Thank you for the fun wino items, ATA. 🖤
    Lumenia likes this.
  17. Can't wait for the Valentine's hunt 😁❤👀