Drop penalty removed for 24 hrs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Juubi-, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Fairy tail fan zeref and jellal
  2. If you didn't prepare for the higher levels of t6...then doom on you .
  3. No support on this bail out request.
  4. Lol no support! Dev's will be probably laughing at this post!
    Giving 100% back on tut drop will change the entire PIMD economy and tutor market!
    If i'd get 100% money back on tutors i would dv trillions of money in a day with my alt and drop tutors to get 100% back! 
    No offence juubi but i'm wondering why didn't you do any calculation before posting this in forums.
    Hope to see you play this game again! We need old players like you. 
  5. No support.
    Why make it even easier for the big players to bc? You already had a chance when they were 33% off.
    If you want to go the easy way to reach bc with dropping tuts then you should accept that you only get 60% back.
    If you don't want that, stop complaining and work your way towards it as everybody else.
  6. Then all will be lcbc by drop volley becasue 100% will be given back if you drop a tut. This is dumb. Only profit earning thing
  7. tf vindrex chick u have 299 fight losses ur opinion is invalid cause ur a Cc noob ?
  8. Lol, vindex, I didn't see op as complaining...
  9. In what way is hitting partys work? Theirs no risk at all just pure profit.