Drop penalty removed for 24 hrs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Juubi-, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. People will volley soo much to mk money from this help
  2. Agree with you and Zeref. This will help EVERYONE. Support
  3. People will be bc in a day by hiring tuts and dropping them. They will only earn profit
  4. Every drop hire on a 1T tut earns 16 B profit. So it won't take more than few hours to be lcbc
  5. no support. It would remove all challenge from becoming bc!
  6. I don't think this can work.
  7. I don't think this has any chance of happening.
    The one time they did that was because they lowered the price of the dorms permanently which had a dramatic effect on the tut market.
    The tut market is in a slump right now but will pick up.... This always happens when new levels are released.
  9. No support. Some people might just bump tuts and earn from drop volleying them.
    And well, upgrading always has to be challenging ;) So work harder for your upgrades  We don't want more and more bc noobs.
  10. Part hard^ 