Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATARogers, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Senpai please give us ages/age-group as a hint :((((
  2. @ATALuce Let's make the World a greener place!!! 🙌🙌 Okey now one of my Favorite aside from @ATAWinston
    -Teya likes this.
  3. This is gorgeous
  4. [​IMG]
    Dev Luce because I love the nature too 😊
    -Teya, Rose, Affliction and 16 others like this.
  5. Im so effing salty rn. I forgot to save and the app im drawing with crashed ughhhhh
  6. [​IMG] Here's my interpretation of [ATA] Luce. I think I went too crazy on her character design but I had fun. And it's really rushed😅 can u tell?
  7. [​IMG]

    [Ata] jean
    I think she is a happy and simple lady
  8. I can't see the image😣 help
  9. Mine too
  10. [​IMG] [RE-UPLOADED]Here's my interpretation of [ATA] Luce. I think I went too crazy on her character design but I had fun. And it's really rushed😅 can u tell?
    -Teya, Effervescent, Rose and 19 others like this.
  11. Where do I send the drawling ???
  12. Try getting another url
  13. [​IMG] When I think about nature. The first image that comes to my mind was “Te fiti” the full of life and grace.
    And with the hope that somehow, may not be the looks, but the heart for nature and drive in making the world a better place resembles our very own Dev Luce 🌻

    Instead of Moana 😅 I put a 🌻 😊 as the sunflower says,

    If you can’t find the sunshine, create your own sunshine 🌻
  14. I don’t know where to get a url from
    An image in gallery.. how, iPhone user. I tried uploading in google photos and copy. ☹️
  15. [​IMG]
    [RE-UPLOADED] When I think about nature. The first image that comes to my mind was “Te fiti” the full of life and grace.
    And with the hope that somehow, may not be the looks, but the heart for nature and drive in making the world a better place resembles our very own Dev Luce 🌻

    Instead of Moana 😅 I put a 🌻 😊 as the sunflower says,

    If you can’t find the sunshine, create your own sunshine 🌻
  16. Try posting in another website and getting the url from that. Try twitter
  17. How did u do? I'm getting my drawing from the photo on my facebook
  18. Just reply to this thread
  19. will we be able to buy the Avi’s?