Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATARogers, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. [​IMG] I didn’t do @Impatient I kinda just put my username name in the story/pic?
  2. it's sad that ppl who had previously worked hard on their own digital art pieces are being taken for granted by others who are only doing a contest for pimd mod crates and not for the sole purpose of actually enjoying what they create and release as their own artwork. if you cant draw or attempt to do so, dont take a "shortcut". because something worth doing doesn't need a shortcut. just a thought.
  3. [​IMG]
    Damn i thought i never finish. Imma dump more of my crappy art here.

    P.S. i redrew my old entry
    Christine, Noonz, -Vexxy and 9 others like this.
  4. Erma gahd im so sorry the quality is as crappy as the drawing ^^. Im just crap
  5. I wish i had even a creative cell in my body for this 😔
  6. Why didn’t my picture didn’t show up :(
  7. it looks like you deleted it from imgur, you need to keep it there for the photo to show up here
  8. How did I do that?
  9. Here’s Luce! [​IMG]
  10. °•°•°Marceline and Zelda °•°•°

    Meowy and Choochiiiiii like this.
  11. I think this is my last submission since the contest is about to end haha. Here's ata Marceline 😌. Please draw the pizza better than i did lol. Can't draw food. 😅[​IMG]
  12. wow i really love your stuff. nice style!
    Alexxuun likes this.
  13. Thank you 😊💕💕

  14. How bad can you be ... Have you seen my drawings lol
  15. [​IMG]

    Here’s my submission for Dev. Zelda! Realistically, not sure she’d have blue to pink ombre hair... but it does look cool.
    Alicia, Wynne, Green and 5 others like this.
  16. Daamnnn this is hella dope 😫🧡
    Alexxuun and -_-Shadow-_- like this.
  17. [​IMG]


    I tried 🙈
    Nice week for you all💕
    DareDevil likes this.
  18. Plot twist: Casey Golden actually plays PIMD 👀