Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATARogers, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. [​IMG] [​IMG] Zelda and Jane, maybe i Will redo them, anyway, i will post the others too 🤭
    -Tina, Ana, Killmonger and 2 others like this.
  2. And i still dont know how to post the picture, i even watched youtube videos 😤
    Ana and -Stella-5 like this.
  3. Reusing old work can be considered a form of plagiarism doe. It falls under the plagiarism rules for universities and stuffs
    Muschi likes this.
  4. [​IMG]
    Imma just dump more here
  5. Im really New to using forums, so i apologize, and thank you for your advice😊😊😊
    Ana, -Stella-5 and -PA_KaramelApples- like this.
  6. By: She_StenaYourSunshine

    After a long week’s work, Zelda planned to get every dev ladies to go out with her.
    Zelda grabbing her phone to check on everyone;

    “In Line GroupChat”

    [ATA] Zelda:
    Hey ladies! Can’t wait for tonight. Hope to see y’all.

    And Don’t plan on bailing out on me, I plan to miss my fave occult series tonight, just for this!

    [ATA] Marceline:
    Are we going somewhere fancy or club?

    [ATA] Wanda:
    No not club! My dad won’t get to rest well knowing I’ll go to that.

    [ATA] Maeve:
    Did you guys know that you’d most likely be in danger by staying at home alone than rather going in crowded places?

    [ATA] Marceline:
    I’m asking where cause I need to know what food I’m gonna be ordering. I need to look at the menu first.

    [ATA] Luce:
    Argh, still need to shower, I just finished doing a little work in my garden. Be right back with you guys. Text me where to meet!

    [ATA] Zelda:
    Guys, I plan to have fun tonight, so we’re going to this new hip club in the town. It’s called PIMD which stands for party in my dorm. It’s so lit it’s like partying just like you were in college!

    And don’t worry Wanda, Maeve was a little right about what she said.

    [ATA] Jean:
    Ladies help! I don’t know what to wear!

    [ATA] Zelda:
    Wear a dress Jean! For once show some skin!

    [ATA] Jean:
    ... I.. I don’t have a dress..

    [ATA] Wanda:
    A skirt is fine Jean.

    [ATA] Jean:
    Hm. Ok gotcha! I got a skirt! Thanks Wanda

    [ATA] Zelda:
    Ok guys! See you at this club. Be there on time plss.

    ~At the entrance~

    All the girls were there except Jean,

    “Where is she?” Zelda asked. “Have you tried calling her?” Wanda grabbing her phone to see if there was any message from Jean.

    “I did, but she said she’s near now and will be here any moment”

    “Ladies!” A person shouting while her waving her hands, “I’m here!” And finally it was Jean.

    Everyone stare at Jean, looking at her, as if there’s some dirt in her clothes.

    “What are you wearing Jean?” Zelda asked.

    “A skirt!” Jean answered while making a turn, “Don’t I look cute?”

    “Uhhh.. you’re wearing a jean again..” Wanda said.

    “Silly! It’s a jean skirt!” Jean explained.

  7. Its beautiful pupu! 😍😍😍🙌
  8. But first, point out that it's riddled with typos before ignoring them. :rolleyes:
  9. Depends. How often do you actually hang out together?
  10. I really cant do it Pls Help me TwT
    Gabi2001 likes this.
  11. I made another one but this time it's [ATA]Rogers(ㆁωㆁ) I used an ig filter on this[​IMG]
    Choochiiiiii, Mal, Suprea and 5 others like this.
  12. Make sure the link looks a little like https// with the gibberish at the end and, like Muschi said, also make sure there's a .jpg

    Green, -Vexxy, Suprea and 9 others like this.
  13. Tyyyyyy
    Gabi2001 likes this.
  14. You were close with the links. Here you go though 💖
    Ana, Killmonger, -Stella-5 and 2 others like this.
  15. Well, I wanna say that I recognize that I know I made typos and that I have a better grasp of English. 😂 But I can't edit the post and I don't want to repost it.
    I meant that we were friends as in the feature on pimd lol.
    ForeveR-DanK likes this.