Dragon Lords Role Play (A Remake of the Remake)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -DDD_AccidentallyMe-, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Bane:

    "I'll help you with that."

    Bane smiles affectionately at her
  2. Jess:

    She sighs, figuring it was pointless. Instead she looks away, her eyes searching for anything she could reach which could be a weapon. "Bring me bacon then," she comments randomly. She was kinda addicted to bacon.


    "Ooh okay," she says, unsure how to respond. She was curious what the reasons were, but yeah, everyone has secrets. Instead she yawns, taking out an apple from her backpack and tosses it towards the unicorn, who catches it with ease.
  3. Quintus lands in one of the main clearings in camp by Oceane. "What time do you call this?" Oceane asks Amelia teasingly. "I just had to get out for a bit..." Amelia replies, glancing upwards to see how long Parker would be. Oceane laughs and flies over to Amelia "I kept your sister distracted, its okay."
    "Thank you so much!" Amelia grins.
  4. Virgil: prisoners don't get anything except bread and soup

    Colt: yeah I always like keeping those thing to myself

    Parker: -he landed right beside her-
  5. "Parker and Holly, how have you two been?" Oceane asks when they land.
  6. Parker: who are you?-he tilted his head confused-
  7. "Oh yes I forgot. I'm Oceane, an adviser." She takes a slight bow, making her wings more obvious on her back. Amelia giggles but stops when she sees Saf appears. "Where have you been?" Saf explodes making Amelia look at Quintus' back.
  8. Parker: umm
  9. Danai:
    *laughs nervously* "Ya know, they should be back any minute now..."
  10. Saf rolls her eyes. Oceane smiles "well, look after yourselves." She bows again before walking to the main area of camp, with Saf on her heels.

    Amelia looks at Parker "she's a bit nuts, only take advice from Oceane."
  11. Jack:

    He comes up into the middle of rebel camp, wiping dirt of his shirt.
  12. Parker: well that's odd
  13. "She's old, that's all it is." Amelia comments as he hops off Quintus.
  14. Parker: so what do you think about the war between the Natas and Dragon Isles!?
  15. Bane:

    Bane smiles as he looks at Danai, an excited twinkle in his lifeless eyes.

    "Then now is just as good of an opportunity as any other.."

    With Danai's chin still cupped in his hand, he leans her head back slightly. He looks her in the eyes once last time before planting a soft yet passionate kiss upon her lips.
  16. Danai:
    *returns the kiss, trying not let her memories get in the way of the moment*

    *chases after Sloan as they begin to make their way back to the clearing where Danai and Bane were*
  17. Bane:

    Bane smiles as he pulls away, looking back at her.

    "They're coming now, I can hear Sloan running now."
  18. Danai:
    *paces around as she waits for Sera to return*
    "She'll know what happened and freak out about it. In a good way but..."

    *as they get closer she notices Danai has a bit of a concerned look on her face*
  19. Bane:

    Bane laughs a bit to himself as he looks at how flustered Danai has become. Sloan pads up to Bane bringing him half of a deer he had caught, placing it at his feet.
  20. "It's for a cause, but that reason is long forgotten and it's just about killing more of each side." Amelia sighs, patting Quintus' neck.

    Saf sits in a tree and watches Vesta from across the clearing. Oceane clicks her tounge at Saf's attitude but she busies herself with sorting the children out.

    Kastor groans as he opens his eyes and sees Yanni looking out the window. He flops back onto the bed and runs a hand through his matted hair.