dragon academy rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by red-hot, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Emmalyn: looks to the school. "I should probably go." Looks at the dragon sadly.
  2. Emerald: looks down sadly
  3. Emmalyn: "Don't worry, I'll come back!" Waves bye and runs inside the school.

    Nick: walks into the class room and sits down.

    I'm resetting on Sunday.
  4. Kaitlyn: looks at nick. Hi who are you?

    Oscar: sneezes fire at her burning her nose

    Kaitlyn: ow.
  5. Nick: looks at her. "Nick." Turns and faces front.

    Emmalyn: walks in a sits down.
  6. Kaitlyn: rubs her nose. Did you guys meet my dragons?
  7. Nick: nods.
  8. Kaitlyn: smiles at him. Theyre really nice. Emerald can be a bit jostle at first
  9. Nick: looks down.

    Emmalyn: hums in her seat.
  10. (hostile) kaitlyn: looks at emmalyn. Weren't you riding with emerald
  11. Emmalyn: looks at her. "I think so. I don't know their names."
  12. Kaitlyn: she's green. The blue one is sapphire. And this baby red one is Oscar.
  13. Emmalyn: "Then yeah I did." Goes back to humming and daydreaming.

    Nick: starts tapping foot.
  14. Kaitlyn: nobody wants to talk to me I guess. Walks out of the room
  15. Nick: rolls eyes. "Drama queen.
  16. Kaitlyn: walks to the stables and sits with Emerald and Sapphire.
  17. Emmalyn: looks at Nick. "Don't be so mean. Go apologize."

    Nick: glares. "I don't have to. I didn't do anything."

    Emmalyn: looks down in fear. "Actually, you hurt her dragon's feelings."

    Nick: angry. "Fine, you want me to go say sorry, I will!" Stands up and storms out of the room.

    Emmalyn: smiles softly to self.
  18. Kaitlyn: it's ok emerald. Pets her.
  19. (Sorry guys I'm falling asleep, night )
  20. Nick: walks out of school. Looks around. Shrugs. "Well, can't say I didn't try to look." Sits near the wall o the school in the shade.