Lmfao. Okay first off I know there are plenty of people who would love to take down ordo. Just like any other powerful club. Yesterday it was a51, today apparently it's ordo. I honestly don't see it happening though sorry. You don't understand how much time, effort,
WTF threads is pissing me off Anyways a lot of irl money has been invested and unless u plan on building an army of bill gates u cannot over throw them.
I've only been in the club a week or so but by god it's such a fantastic club you are so welcomed and you can see straight away they are a tight great big family who know how to respect and look out for each other
I'm very proud to belong to a club that makes others wanna be better and bigger Keep working, keep trying, and keep dreaming
Ordo is my home away from home, they are awesome....PERIOD. If you don't like it, to darn bad, do something about it.