dorm prices

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by B-B-BATTLE, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. these are the dorm prices that I know
    please add to this list so people can use it for reference
    9th 1.5m
    8th 750k
    7th 150k
  2. 10th: 2.5M
    11th: 3.5M
    12th: 5M
  3. 74th-1.95billion
  4. Actually, isnt the last one 300billion?
    Or was that a rumor?
  5. The last one is 3 bil
  6. 13-10mil 14-20mil 15- 60mil 16- 100mil 17- 200mil 21-1.2bil 32-3bil
  7. bump for blizzard
  8. The last dorm is 16bil not 3bil
  9. Ty battle 
  10. I am missing 4,12,and 22-29

    Plz help!
  11. 12 is 5m first page