Dorm de los Muertos

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 30, 2015.

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  1. No more luck hunt ?
  2. Love it 
  3. support
  4. ¡Es la hora de la fiesta! ¡Feliz Halloween!

    Liking the Avatars. Good job bringing in an español type of hunt.
  5. Now this hunt is epically awesome and what I expect from ata ! Good job apes!!! Proud of you!
  7. This hunt is like the KaW events except PvP isn't in this one. That's why the reward tiers looked so familiar.
  8. The more cash you spend the better chance you have to get them. So the rewards aren't that rewarding after all. You get rewarded depending upon the amount of cash you spend doing cc and spamming dns hunting for rosas.. The more competitive it gets the less rewarding it becomes as you will be spending even more to fight for the top.
  9. I'm actually excited for this hunt! Been a while since I said that.
  10. Omg new hunt
  11. Thank u pimd for bringing back the old style hunt :)
  12. About time we got some mix stat avis :)
  13. I want at least 1500 roses cause that drops an avi?
  14. This is a Mexican holiday (99% sure, correct me if I'm wrong) why are all the avatars white as hell 
  15. Wow..nice hunt!...??
    ❄❄Lamuerte and Zibalba ❄❄
    I think it is based on the movie " The Book Of Life "

    I really like the avis and the itmes and everything about it..???
  16. Wow this is funniest post I've seen in ages,
    But completely doesn't surprise me ;)
  17. ends on my birthday LOOOL.... Whut?
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