Shut up. Impatient asses. Go from page one crying about the hunt now you crying for its rewards. :roll: every. Single. Time
Okay! We are preparing rewards for distribution and appreciate your patience . PLEASE NOTE: If you received an Avatar and a Sugar Skullification Kit (AKA Facepaint), you will be able to paint your avatars in the Store. However... 1) Painting a face will CONSUME 1 Sugar Skullification Kit (e.g. If you have 2 Avatars and 1 Sugar Skullification Kit you can only paint 1). 2) Painting an Avatar's face is PERMANENT. You will not have access to the Avatar without facepaint and cannot remove the facepaint, so check out the OP to make sure you want to go through with it. 3) You don't have to use your Sugar Skullification Kits! They're an optional way to differentiate your Avatars. They do NOT provide any bonuses whatsoever. Thanks for playing!
ETA on the actual end of event…? Can Facepaints be sent as gifts? Any word on what bonuses the other new items give or will we have to wait and see?
Event is over, facepaints can be sent as gifts, go look at Mulva for all the stats items as she has them in her showcase now