Re: Don't give out your UDID! Hallo I need a transfer my old user is toeff can y help I already sendt the request to the mail adress but nothing happens
Re: Don't give out your UDID! There is a way to obtain the udid from the device you don't have anymore. Here is how... when you don't have your old device you use the device back up files. The file name is the 40 digit udid plus the date of the sync. On a Mac it is stored under... "Home"-> Library -> Application Support -> MobileSync -> Back up It is stored on Windows at C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Apple\COmputer\MobileSync\Backup\ Windows hides these folders so you need to turn on "show hidden files" The Helper _Warrior
Re: Don't give out your UDID! Yes it used to be sexywarrior69 and there is a long story behind it... The Helper _Warrior
Re: Don't give out your UDID! © WĒLCOMĒ TØ SG ĒVØLUTIØN Join Us To Be Part Of Our Family FAMILIES CLUB MKampong Melayu NeuTraLizeTemptation Alliances Ordo Ab ChaoDeja VuMagnum Opus SG-Little Red DotThe DiversParfait Police AcademySingapore BIZZLES PARTY HOUSE Facebook
Re: Don't give out your UDID! It stands for Unique Device Identification. It is a 40 character code that is used by developers to send the game information to your device. _Warrior
Re: Don't give out your UDID! Pimd I've copied and pasted my named an adress onto a members wall instead of a text message by accident, have u the authorisation to remove it?? The member I posted on wall to I think is inactive so they can't remove it either please help I'm worried!!!