Does Not Compute!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BloodRose64, Feb 21, 2013.

  1.  An honest debate! Oh how I miss those.
  2. Arguing is useless. Stating opinions in a respectful manner gets people significantly further. :eek:
  3. How is a friendly debate arguing? Because I too am like the OP 
  4. A friendly debate is not arguing. o.o
    I stated that arguing is useless...
  5. Can it be?? INTELLIGENT RATIONAL INDIVIDUALS!! I was beginning to think they were a myth! :3. Anyway, I've always been this way. It freaked me the hell out in middle school when I went through a downward spiraling whatever. My rational mind was telling me that no matter what people were telling me, they would have no real impact on my life. The immediate extension of that logic is that the presence of my friends and family don't matter in terms of my existence. That thought in an emotionally unstable teenage girl... It wreaks havoc on the mind.

    Well, it almost feels like I'm a sociopath sometimes. Like the switch is labeled "Stop caring about the human race".

    It feels fantastic to know that I'm not the only one.

    I also am a bit socially awkward. :3

    Mwahahahahahahaha 

    Rawr. 
  6. Oh, and definitely not a drug addict, but I am taking prescription ADHD medication. With a prescription, from a doctor, prescribed to me. I don't abuse drugs.
  7. Hey gal, some ppls' minds are just wired that way... Like yours. Everyone's mind works differently. For me, I had a problem understanding social norms and common sense. For u, u probably have a problem with lack of emotions. But don't be hard on yourself. Just make an effort to adapt the way your mind works to smth acceptable to society. And learn to accept what u r and who u r. :) everyone is unique in their own little way.
  8. It's not even a lack of emotions. It's that I can rationally decide to turn them off. XD Only sometimes though. If I get into a heated discussion with someone, then I turn into a head-chomping 50ft tall mutant dinosaur, akin to Godzilla. I sometimes think I'm too rational for my own good. I don't even see a point in twitter or tumblr, or whatever other internet life-vacuums exist in this material plane we inhabit.


    I guess I'm just dragging this on, but it's fun to talk about for once. I've been hiding this part of myself for my entire life.
  9. And I also struggle with social norms. :3