Do You Want Equality or Advantage?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Trendsetting, Sep 21, 2019.

  1. Stay away from my window...
    There's no opportunity.
    I see you creepin on the low...
    But accuse me of misogyny.

    I can't even compliment you,
    But you can stare at me contently.
    I rather discard you, collect revenue,
    But to you that's being a fuckboy.

    You can get away with lying,
    Make us pity you by crying...
    But when I pay you no attention,
    You call me an Ahole in your mentions.

    I can't get a fair chance in court,
    I succumb to the sexist law.
    All God's humans make retorts,
    We aren't the only ones with flaws.

    You dump your babies in dumpsters,
    But child support is a must.
    Most of it is spent on you anyways,
    No wonder why we can't trust.

    Complimenting isn't objectifying,
    You make life not worth dying.
    You can call me whatever insult,
    But if I call you a bitch I'm wrong.

    You can say all men ain't shit,
    But if I disagree I'm talking shit.
    If I say I don't trust hoes at all,
    You'll start throwing a bitch fit.

    I can't be uninterested in everyone,
    Without being accused of B-S.
    You can be all over everyone and trip,
    Then still blame it all on P-M-S.

    You claim men don't talk to you,
    Cause they're intimidated.
    I hate to be the one to tell you,
    Your opinion is fabricated.

    Miss Femisist you're illogical,
    Crazy, annoying and insecure.
    You claim to want equality,
    But your intentions aren't pure.

    You fuss and complain,
    And curse our names in disdain.
    You lie, cheat and steal,
    Then accuse us of the same thing.

    You expect to attack us,
    Without any consequences in return.
    Equality is an eye for an eye,
    But that's not what you really yearn.

    Do you want equality,
    Or do you want advantage.
    ZoHydro-ER likes this.
  2. Nice I actually like this to be honest and I usually don't comment on things..
    Trendsetting likes this.
  3. Thank you. I put a lot of thought into it