I think the last few presidents have a lot more secrets and plans that are all falling into place for what's coming. People need to stop being so nieve and see that these people aren't trying to help their country.
The worst president was impeached and given a pardon. Unless another president can beat that, then they shouldn't be considered the worst.
No. Obama only sucks because he has to deal woth everyone else shitty mistakes. And by everyone else I mean George W. Bush. In my opinion his only bad idea was Obamacare. It was good and bad.
No he will not cuz George Bush already have dat title. He drove our economy nto the ground and y'all don't want to admit dat cuz he republican. Obama haven't been doin nothing but trying his best to get the economy out the hole it's n now. Since he been president the unemployment rate been steadily decreasing, making Vets get the benefits dey deserve, insuring dat senior citizens keep receiving SS checks and help keep welfare programs running dat all low income and struggling race use, and provided an act dat give every American a chance to get health insurance. Honestly Matt most of ur threads r not debatable. Dey r drama waiting to happen.
we were going broke before obama became president and maybe some of yall should run for office to do a better job
I think we need a president who will legalize recreational marijuana so our economy can boost up Tax it like crazy and bam, better economy because people wouldn't be afraid to buy it and get caught Although I do not think I would partake in that action, I think it would do great for America economy-wise. Plus, all the "munchies" people get from being high. Yep. Great plan. Make it happen for the economy and my pot head friends ?
Hey Matt you know I realize if you hate Obama so much how about you try do a better job. You don't realize Obama has to deal with all the shit Bush left behind. Both the wars and economy. He may be giving immigrants citizenship but what are you gonna be heartless and send them back to their shit life. You know families are getting seperated because of immigration laws. You think thats fair at all? No. And besides they still have to go through the legal system. Obamas basically telling them go through the legal system we won't deploy you back. You think Obamas bad what about your own state government? How bad are they? Guaranteed worse then Obama even by a little bit. I know mine is.
Yes because there are many aligations towards him as a a president besides his too perfect which makes it even more suspicious
That's the thing. They did something wrong, they broke the law, by coming here illegaly. Now we are simply just gonna say "oh well, we don't care that you broke the law. Come here and our people will pay for your children to get educated, we will also give you healthcare and a food stamp, because why not? I mean, the Americans don't have anything else better to pay their taxes too right? We might as well just give you everything for free and you can just sit on your butt and not pay your own taxes and not learn English. Oh you shot our American border patrol agent on the way here? No worries, no one cares about him. Oh, our one marine took a wrong turn, found himself in Mexico, and became your all's prisoner for over 200 days while you guys tortured him (obama knew about this almost the whole time it was happening and decided to ignore it. Yes, obama decided to let our hard working marine be trapped, after this marine begged for obama to help get him out, in Mexico for over 200 days, before finally was released a week ago). Eh, you guys seem like a lovely bunch. Let's legalize 11 million of you all with who knows what diseases, with children who are getting their education payed for by Americans. And now let's give you rewards for breaking the law. It's simply wrong. Obama is allowing all the people to become citizens who can vote. And who do you think they will vote for? Oh yea, the democrats. This could have the potential to lop side the two parties. No worries though, they are just here to have a better life.. We should all stop worrying about ourselves, our Americans, our economy, our homeless/jobless, and just give these people what they want for doing wrong.