Do You Think Obama Will Go Down As Worst President?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Matt, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. I don't know why ppl keep on blaming the presidents for why their country is doing the presidents are just puppets to the elite that run the show. People are getting after obama for the illegal immigrants, the gun laws, and obamacare, yet the federal reserve stole around 15 trillion tax paying dollars, and gave it to bail out international bankers, and nobody did anything about it. The whole world is in slavery to the banks, even the governments kneel to the banking system. Blame the bankers, not the puppets!
  2. You guys say that they don't have enough money to come here legally? Then can you please explain how they come from all these different countries to different parts of the U.S? I leave near DC and my neighborhood is filled with many types of ethnicities, but mainly Hispanics. So how can they get from Mexico, El Salvador, etc to Virginia without spending more than it would cost to come here legally?
  3. Well gee Matt, maybe they got jobs and worked like the normal American citizens? Think of the monetary differences, $1 USD does not equal a Mexican dollar
  4. Why do you just assume they're illegal immigrants just because they're Hispanic? :lol:

    Op you still didn't answer anyone's questions about white illegal immigrants. Why do you only talk about Hispanics?
  5. Thank you r1ssa, like seriously this is his thing, he doesn't care about all of the illegals, just the colored ones.
  6. ...i agree...
  7. I'm surprised Nixon hasn't been thrown out yet. Watergate Scandal, a scandal that led to discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration(if you haven't heard of it I encourage you to look it up very interesting). I'm not an expert on my presidents so I won't say worst, but its gotta be up there. And by the way to make a statement like worst you really should weigh the pros and cons of all US presidents.
  8. Um. How about you quit assuming things. I have many Hispanic friends. I work with a lot of them every week.

    I'm talking about the Hispanics now because that is the current issue.
  9. I had actually forgotten all about Nixon, you make a very good point. If anyone was the bad pres it was Nixon not Obama.
  10. Obama is the best president ever… without him yall wouldn't have healthcare
  11.  did you know that if you don't have healthcare then you get fined? I didn't honestly know that. 
  12. Obama is great
  13. No the current issue is hello look up Americas History
    1) Europeans came here and tooke over "America" illegally just for land purposes.
    2) "Americans" take people from Africa only to be slaves here many of them dying before they even get here.
    3) America later took away Hawaii from Queen Lilliokulani and her brother at GUNPOINT.
    4) We invade Israel killing many of innocent people just so we can stop a war because of 9/11

    Do you even realize that? This country is just a hot pot of immigrants from other places. Some legal some illegal. You forget that you know what none of us are supposed to be here in the first place. Do you even get that?

  14. My thoughts are you're a DRY LUNCH
  15. If you think he will go down as worst, get your head checked. And clearly you haven't studied your history. He is predicted to be in the top 20 for good.
  16. One spark and a whole forum can go up in flames of arguments and uproar, when will we simply say 'agree to disagree' on these subjects and move on. 