do you think 2012 is the end of the world?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PIMD_Cutie4U, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Well if the world doesn't end on the 21st December 2012 I have a feeling that a lot of babies will be born on 20th of September 2013  follow me
  2. Actually, I read about a new research made by a German expert and his co-workers, and they got a conclusion: 21st of December is not the end of the world! It just marks a new age where an ancient god, Bolon Yokte, is coming to earth.. Or something like tht! Just sayin', there Are more legends than "The end of the world". Personally, I believe the 21st of December will be a 100% normal day 
  3. Excuse me! Okay, so many billion years from now, the sun will become a red giant. When it does so, it will take up so much space that all the inner solar system planets will melt. This will be the only way that the earth could end. The sun will continue its life style.

    Cookie, then sun will not become a supernova. It's considered a medium to low mass star. Only large mass stars become a supernova. Which the sun is not, so it won't.
  4. It'll just be another normal day.
  5. if someone doesn't gimme a grilled cheese sammich I will blow up the planet today thus making the 2012 myth true 
  6. Just another day
  7. What explains is is probably the Spaniards. They overran the myans stopping their calendar probably.-.
  8. I hope the world ends that way it will end pointless debating about it.
  9. Kesha is releasing a Christmas album on december 21st I think.
  10. The Mayan calendar did not include leap days (February 29) and there have been numerous leap days, so in actuality the world should have ended a few months ago.
  11. No shit.

    I'm not talking about the end like a meteor shower or any of that cliché, overly dramatic crap.

    I'm talking about when humanity becomes fully close minded and ignorant, when we finally waste our lives on something so insignificant such as starting political wars, etc.

    They're not looking closely at the big picture. They're too indulged in a land of want, focusing on stuff that's too far for us to currently reach.

    Main point?

    We're fucked. Badly.
  12. The Sun's actually a small star. Compared to Sirius, (forgotthenameofthisstar) and Acturus, it's like a ping pong ball.

    Instead of a billion years, more like a hundred million or so.

    There are many theories of how the world will end. The Big Chill, Big Crunch, and the other one I forgot.

    Hey! Paying attention to Science class actually has its uses!
  13. Melly, all suns/stars will become a supernova at the end of their life. All the energy is transferred into mass amounts of heat, because energy cannot be destroyed or created, but changed from one form of energy into another form. 
  14. Actually, Cookie, I think I read in a book that not ALL stars will become a super nova at the end of their life...

    Well, I'm not sure. It's a book, it can have mistakes.

    As for what I said about theories in my post above, those are theroies about how the UNIVERSE will end. My bad.
  15. There's only one Sun...
  16. There's more than one sun... Our solar system has one sun that every planet up to Neptune (since Pluto is no longer classified as a planet) orbits around it...
  17. They're still called stars. Our sun is just an insignificant one made out of leftovers from other stars. .-.
  18. Nostradamus has predicted the end of the world several times which have already passed I believe. Also, the end of the world and the end of humankind are totally different things. The dinosaurs were wiped out and new life evolved to fill the niches they filled. Same would happen if humankind were to be wiped out.

    We don't need to worry about the Mayans, we need to worry about the zombies 
  19. And dammit Pluto should still be a planet. 
  20. With modern science...

    Zombification is possible.. 

    Caspy is right, we do need to worry about zombies if a corrupt scientist comes along...