Disney.. key giveaway

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Jojo, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. My favourite is also Beauty and the Beast. Besides the fact that it teaches people beauty is skin deep, and that the Beast actually gave Belle freedom, it actually has a deeper meaning.

    I like it because in other Disney princess movies, the princess is struggling and the prince saves the day. But in Beauty and the Beast, Belle is ridiculed by the town for her love of books, and the Beast is obviously ridiculed for being well, a beast. But, basically they actually save each other.
  2. My all time favorite is mulan. I really like the intro of the movie where mulan is running around where she holds her umbrella and the bird cage was put in the back of her dress to show some curves that was hilarious. And ofcourse the music and dances in it was tattoed in my head for i dont know how many years and right now i cant stop myself from singing "who is that girl i see staring straight lalalalalala" lol
  3. Lol sucker!
  4. Ahhh nothing like laughing at peoples misfortunes.
  5. ?
  6. My favorite is Cinderella because, sometimes I like to wear dresses and thinking I'm a pretty princess and also because theirs fairies and i like hitting party fairies on here 2 :)
  7. Ihysm
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  8. Mine got to be tangled. Not inspirational or anything, but I like the fiery spunk of Rapunzel and don't we all agree Flynn rider is just hot!?
  9. When's our next sleep over ? ;)
  10. Who could ask for better reasons to like it ?
  11. That's such a hard question  I guess mine would have to be Princess and the Frog because she was the first black Disney princess which meant a lot to me ? and my younger sister is named Tiauna after the movie (the spelling is weird because it was spelled like my messed up name; Ariauna lol ?)
  12. You and your sisters,names are very pretty ?

    I'll be gifting the keys to the winner soon and random keys to the posts I like even tho they are all amazing, kinda wish I had more keys now ?
  13. Five keys sent to you hun.. Embrace the weirdness , ain't nothing wrong with being different ? normal is boring x
  14. My favorite movie is: FROZEN.
    Because it tought me how to be myself.
    Not to hide who you are, or for what you are.
    Upon watching it, I too realized that
    Maybe Queen Elsa was right.

    That ... "The Past is in the Past"
    We may have been bitter memories in the
    Past, what matter most is that...
    What you can do better in the near future.
  15. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite.

    Because i never imagined that in real life
    There is actually that can love you more than
    You expected to be love.

    Im not saying im ugly but yes.
    Maybe i was so insecure bout myself
    And how i look. I always wanted to be
    Looking perfect. Because i thought
    Maybe i can find love using beauty.

    But later on i realized Im wrong.
    Because there's this guy who showed
    Me that he can love me for what I am.
    And as months passed being with him,

    I realized yes.
    Fairytale happens in real life.
    Beauty and the beast can be happens
    With real life. You just have to find that
    Special someone who can love you.
  16. No matter how much I grow up, I will always have a strong affinity towards 'The Lion King'.
    There are some movies which you can relate to on more than a emotional level and this was one such movie. The bonds of friendship, the father-son relationship are beautifully explored and I can't help having a feel-good factor every time I watch it. It had this factor - people of all age groups could connect with one or the other aspects in the movie.
  17. Aw that's really sweet hun. Beauty is only skin deep and it takes someone special to see past that x I'm sure you are beautiful tho , if we all looked the same the world would be pretty boring, I'm glad you found someone who loves you that much x love is important and everyone deserves someone ?
  18. My favorite is Treasure Planet. When I was little I kind of looks up to Jim because of the attitude he had. I also resonate with his childhood life because up until I was 12 years old I thought one man was my dad when he wasn't. My birth father had left me because he wasn't ready to deal with it. Jim overcomes that and becomes something great even though he was put through some messed up things. It's got a great message. So yeah Treasure Planet 
  19. Snow white was my favorite childhood Disney character, not only because I love how white she is, I love the scene from the anime where she went running to the woods like she's gone nuts.
    Mulan is my recent most favorite. I love the story and everything bout it. 
  20. Thats my favorite too. I love Merida and the part where her mother realizes that it was wrong to have her marriage arranged. True love has to be found not forced. Absolutely amazing movie!!