Disney.. key giveaway

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Jojo, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. Yeah its awesome, I remember when it was released (yes I'm that old) ? I bawled my eyes out when musafa died lol
  2. I still like the way Mufasa rolls off the tongue.
  3. Obviously doesn't roll well off mine seen as how I can't even spell it.. The struggle is real ??
  4. My favorite movie is the little mermaid?

    Cause mermaids are awesome?
  5. Fox and the hound..

    It's a bit cliched story but nevertheless it resonated with me how as kids, we have no prejudices and dearest friends can grow to be enemies ,
    Just for the sake of it ..
    But In the end, friendship holds triumphant
  6. Yesssss
  7. My favorite is the hunchback of Norte dame. Besides the usual good songs, it also went into more deeper/mature themes in some of the songs like "God help the outcasts" and the one the judge singscan't remember the name?, so it's a movie I can still appreciate when I'm older now. And it was one of the first movies where the main character doesn't get the girl 
  8. My favorite is Brave..

    Mainly bc it's not a traditional fairy tail love story kind of story.

    The love story of really about loving yourself and loving your family. It's about knowing where you come from and understanding who you are and being confident about that while not forgetting those that helped shape you into what you are..

    It's about the importance of bonds between those that love you the most and reminds you that without that love, you can't truly be the best that you are meant to be.
  9. My favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid. Ariel is so inspiring. She is headstrong and fearless. She is a huge representation of anyone who felt like they didn't belong. She's always optimistic despite her overbearing father destroying everything she loved, the person she loves being of a different species, and figuring out how to work legs! Even though she gets a bad rep because she ran away and gave up her voice, she was fully aware of the consequences but knew that that was the price to pay in order to reach her dreams and be truely happy.

    Plus, she helped save Disney. So...
  10. Support
    Tron is amazing.
  11. ??

    Loving all of your answers keep em coming ?
  13. Most Disney Movies suck ass BTW

  14. I prefer Disney ? I think the two companies are connected tho
  15. My all time favorite disney movie is The Little Mermaid. Just for the fact that she is so inspired by the little things in life. Either it being an object or people. :roll:
  16. My favorite is Rapunzel

    It teaches my to follow my Dreams. I love the message it gives for everyone and always try. If you have a dream, pursue it because nothing can stop you.

    Secondly, Beauty does not matter. Don't lock a girl a girl in a tower. Don't use that flower,because it holds extreme power.
  17. Beauty and The Beast .. Its a touching movie
  18. ^ :)
  19. My favourite is Sleeping Beauty.

    That chick deserves an award for sleeping through all that dramatic shiz!
    I mean Christ she slept through a fight right outside her window while Maleficents just there like "YEAH I'M A MOFO DRAGON. WHAT YOU GONNA DO BOUT IT?" Hell Phillip even made her fall off a cliff that crumbled!

    Give that woman a kiss! 