I just want those bunny heels... I have a rl pair but without the ears on them! HELP ME WITH MY OBSESSION AND LET ME BUY THEM!!! Lol
?see this is what is wrong with pimd ^ almost BC and not even 1k fight loss it took me close to 2 and half yrs to BC now u got stupid cat cafe and people BC in no time! You're gonna lose lot of ur players pimd cause y'all getting greedy. ?
and also the gift spamming process is a little bit hard..we need to easily spam gifts to others like when we hwve hunting kindly put a quantity button
My Wishes 1. I wish there would be a group chat feature.. I know there is a club chat thingy but I want to chat with my friends.. Without them having to go to join a club 2. I wish there would be a head admin feature that has all the privelege the owner has except disband the club 3. MORE GIFTS
@Live, be a cow in Pwar sometimes, you need to have more than 1k loss. :lol: By the way, we still can't hide our newbieness, doesn't have Unicorn in showcase
Replace the old gifts with new ones.... It's too old. Give award bonuses to the otaku parties.Lt would be interesting....
Id like VIP ranks to be solely ranked on actual fights and hits, not party hits, a party cannot hit you back. Hitting actives should be the only hits that count towards VIP. Id also like to see the war VIP wiped clean of pwars.
I really don't understand why no one likes the cat cafe: ATA makes money, it is the fastest way for us to make money and to UG. Don't be cheap people, this is not just a game for ATA, it is part of their living. You want to know why HSH shut down, it was because they were giving away too much EC, so no one was buying and a whole lot of bots running their accounts for them (cheating). If the main complaint is, it is unfair to the lower level people, all I have to say is that life is a challenge and nothing is handed to you. If you are that entitled in a game, the world will be much harder on you. Don't let the world continue to call this generation entitled, learn to work for something. Rant over, have a great day.
Skinning through threads I noticed how cat cafe is loved by all players thus one day only 10x cat cafe