[DISCUSSION] What’s your dream PIMD feature?

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. Got it. If we make the ATM 100% efficient them all players would place all their cash in there and so when you hit them they lose no cash, so there has to be some penalty to using it.
  2. Atm is good when ur in war and quickly need to hide cash. Some of us use it
  3. If the whole dating thing is added to the app....

    Will you go out with me pimd?
  4. Dating thing? Pimd turning into hsh?
  5. I sure hope not it was somewhat a bad idea on hsh too... But none of it was personal on hsh... Was really just for stat boost. I don't think it should be added
  6. Easy cat drops lol ???
  7. So pimd...
    I would Like you to acknowledge Aimd.
    Support has been telling me since i first posted it that you'd reply to it... But its been almost 2 weeks and nothing...
    So yea.
  8. Change the App Avi. I'm sick of hiding the lady with her books all out
  9. I like item rewards for wars as long as pwars can't exploit them.

    Cut cat cafe/pizza pop and make it a now and again promotion.

    Get rid of lbh for hunts and make it fair for those who aren't just out for themselves.

    War award

    Search button in forums

    Fuzzy searching on usernames (working on partial matching - ie I type 'sin' and it returns those users with that string in their name)
  10. I thing there should be more promo parties like 2x money or 3x maybe 4x
  11. I've skimmed throughout the thread and firstly I have to say that the couples idea is horrible. Most of the clubs that "announce" their couples are most of the time (not always so don't get your panties in a bunch) the clubs that don't actively party /war or only participate in the unsavory types of role play so why glorify that? I also don't think I should have to be forced to fake couple with someone to get a bonus item. This would just shove the game further into a "dating site" scenario.

    I notice your posts about wanting bigger ideas but honestly we NEED some of the smaller things tweaked, especially for those on Android, let me say that when I had my older device and I would constantly crash due to the overwhelming size of a showcase I would get really pissed off. Just make it like the gift showcase, give me an option to view more if I'd like to (and crash).

    Smaller club war times would be an amazing addition! I really can't stress that enough. Most of us have very busy schedules and can not fully commit to a 12+ hour war. Something in the 2-6 hour range would be amazing.

    Daily reward bounus would also raise the loyalty lvl, not just a colorful name for two weeks but an accual daily inbox gift ie a pot for the first day, a dn after 14 days consecutive, 2 ec after 30 etc... Happy people are loyal people, loyal people like to know they're wanted and like rewards. There are many games that successfully use these type of reward programs.

    Also please for the love of God make clubs more expensive again!

    You will read ideas like these over and over again because these are things we really want.
  13. Ec/Dn- We have an ec for cash exchange option to help when cash is needed for something. How about a cash for ec or dn option but with a daily or weekly limit. Maybe 10b pimd cash for 1 dn and the limit is 3 dn a day/week or 1b for 1 ec with a limit of 10 ec a day/week. Something to allow players to still earn dn and ec. Especially those who can not always spend. Even though, I've spent my fair share, sometimes I just can't or don't wanna spend.

    Tutors- What if we could pay pimd cash, ec, or kaws equiv to mith and can hide one or two tutors for a few hours so others couldn't hire unless the other person uses an item to retract the hidden tutor. The item could be like a dorm raider baton. Works like a battle action (fight, dance, prank, evesdrop) but the item has to be bought from the store like other attack/defense pots. Maybe it could cost a few ec (not a crazy amount). This could spruce up the tutor part of the game.

    Battle List (now know as People List) - Change the name back to Battle List!!! Give special drop items (stat boost, attk/def pots, ec, dn, hypnocat, pizza bikini, new items, scav items, and anything else creative that would fit as a drop). Give people a reason to hit one another even more than they do now!! This would help lessen the complainers a bit and spruce up the pvp part of the game.

    Wars- I haven't been in many... but.... make shorter war times. Like 1hr war, 2hr war, 3hr war, etc... This way everyone can join and have a chance. Many have busy lives and want to war or tey em out but they are just soooo long. And if people do join and "leak" because they fell asleep, they get bashed talked to.... Make the times reasonable.for everyone but keep the long times for those who want a long war!! SIDENOTE: Drops from war.... similar to what I mentioned for Battle List... Give people a reason to war!!!!

    RP Restrictions on campus chat - I have lost moat of my interest in this game because of how sickening campus chat is to look at. RP RP RP RP RP RP!!! This is not a dating app!!!! And most rpers are pervs!!! BRING back the old rp/campus chat rules... Most of those rp request are children or older pervs looking to chat it up with a kid! That is sickening and makes me think about why this is allowed. I know the age identification is hard to control or even implement... but something should be done.

    Well, my ideas and rant is done. Idk if any of this was mentioned already.... but I didn't read the whole thread!!
  14. A mass gift feature please, it would largely help. And it's been wished by a lot of players for a loooong time. And congratulations for getting the job pimd_admin, hope you'll make a great one. (:)
  15. Do you guys at ATA actually listen ? Or just ask players what they want and do what YOU want ? ?
  16. Mass gift send would be great. Makes spamming 20x easier.
  18. Just me thinking out loud but I would like to see the world chat, operate differently for the people who are looking for club help there should be a tab to post there for people looking for mutual friends, gifts. There should be a tab for that and for all the people who are looking for their famous (RP) there should be a tab for that so in hindsight, there should be three tabs designed for people looking for Pacific things here in PIMD.
    (It's just an idea)
  19. i support @OneBadKitty
  20. More new parties.
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