I think new sets of jobs with higher rewards of bonus money and dn's For all the lcbc and old lcbc, we've all completed the jobs and it would be good to introduce better jobs and more difficult ones for us to complete, such as PIMD keep introducing parties, why not introduce more jobs
Maybe this... 1.Easy wat to get ec 2.Make hypnocat cheaper 3.Make hypnocat and bikini drop more oftenly Thx u for spending ur time reading this
Imagine a noob would ask you, Send me ec gifts. Drop hypnocat for me in cat club. Buy me ec. Would you do it?
Less sex appeal. Different app icon, different avatars. Different nurse icon, less suggestive sayings. I'm no prude, but this is honestly embarrassing. I get why it's like that, it sells. But I feel like myself and many others would get their friends to play if it wasn't the way it is. I also hide this app inside a folder. Not to mention the decrease on nasty pm'ers. I see new people leave every day because of that.
1) Massive gifting function 2) iOS users to be able to see actives/inactives and the amount of items dropped 3) Android users to be able to see drops as in hypno cat and pizza bikini 4) If possible, we could individually change our name colour for a limited time via ec purchase 5) Search button for forums so we can find link of old threads easier 6) Increase club price 7) Bring back the old silence rules My wish list
1)Bring some more wars.... And since its the age of hypnocats, let hypnocats be the prize of the war.... Whoever wins will get drops... 2) do something with the profile page its lagging too much.... 3) introduce award bonuses to the otaku parties.... 4) recent ec items cost too much reduce them and bring some older gifts in the play... 5)swapping dorm members... One dorm to other.. 6) increase the no.of members in a club from 100 to like 120 or 130 7)ec and money be giftable....
Be able to delete gifts you get from other players New layout of course Let the pm section have like a "seen" notification....um...wait scratch that ha ha Customizable avatars, and you can buy clothes for them either with money or EC New logo, startup screen, font? Some things could be more animated if you know what I mean, but I have the speed of peoples devices in mind so this would be optional. I'll try and think of more when i do this topic is very interesting
1.Make DN's and EC's Drop from parties 2.Cash Transfer option in Bank so as we can directly send money! Coz DV's are Booring! 3. Android Users Can see Drops! {Hypnocat & Pizza Bikini} 4‧A New Layout for PIMD! 5‧Some Benifits For BC's :lol: 6‧ATA's Daily Login Rewards ( Such as Dn's , Ec's etc.) Thats it