So if we must have hunts..Please, for the love that is all holy, change it to where we can send multiple gifts and/or change the amount of the item you are sending. And maybe some more ways of earning ecs/dns.
Those permanent limited time stat bonus you can buy from the store during holidays and stuff, youve seemed to forget about. I like collecting them, new jobs, more beta's color coding forums, like red titles for pimd posts green for mod posts, blue for playerswho have played over a year or two grey for noob posts tohelp organize forums a lil bit more, a slight increase of hypnocats, maybe anotherweekend 2x cc payout. More ways to earn dn and ec. I have lots of new ideas
I have a few ideas... Ava customization (maybe just be able to change the colours of hair, clothes and skin? This way those who complain about Ava's being white all the time can have their complaints addressed) Have a reward system for consecutive days you log in (say if you miss a log in day you start again. I had made a post about this months ago and it got alot of support) (say if you log in 7 days straight you get an item or cash etc) Bring back old parties every now and then (for those of us who are trying to get x50 awards) Bring back old gifts every now and then (for those of us who are trying to build our showcase) Make a tab for when you gift (where your locker is) to a show more or show less so we don't have to scroll down so much to get to the gift store (also made a thread about it a little while ago and got alot of support for it) With ec gifts also maybe have a cash option (I understand that ata makes money off ec and drn so if you were to add this option make the cash option really high so players can still buy them through ec or work incredibly hard for the item) That's about all I got atm. Im happy with the game but would love if these ideas were looked at. Thankyou for your time. Love miss bunny xo
I like the couple idea. Its lovely. But yes pimd if u going to do that feature u must make some rules so ppl wont just be couple anytime they want with their alts and all. A consequence for break up. I support the couple idea. And couples should confirm to pimd admins. It will make the feature more organize. I like to see "couple of the week" looking forward for the feauture Next is, i want the name color for admin and owner in cc. Its hard to figure out whose admin and we have to see the members list. The colored name applies in cc only. So only in our club. Pls do this it will made easier for us to recognize whos admin. Thankyou pimd
More beta wars definitely. Also, would love to see Charlie come back, even for just a limited time. And maybe some of the older Avis can make a debut for a short time.
Idk if anyone said this or not but please add mass gifting for idevices. And I would love a button to unfollow all or at least be able to check boxes to unfollow.
it really takes long to send multiple gifts to one person so if you could add option of how many gifts we would like to send then that would be easy and fast?
Monthly Gifts, Once a month Promo N Once a month beta war ( promo and war should be on the same time)
Please, during wars, lock player tutors. You can lock player upgrades and outside hits. Simply put, whenever the war begins players attempting to hire those tutors gets a "Please try again later" message. Ideally, it should apply to only those tutors with whom you start the war and last until the war ends. 100% of the official wars already apply some form of this idea. Let's make it a feature, please? P.S. You may even want to apply it to beta wars.
We should be able to send money instead of volleying, but theres a tax (like the atm) so instead of volleying someone could just send another person money. The tax could be the same as the atm tax
Raver_rabbit- you asked for them to bring back old parties. They said from day one they would bring back the counter culture set of parties for a limited time sometime in the future. The Halloween parties... we're probably out of luck.