Pimd please read and reply to onyx's thread (aliens in my dorm) a lot of players really wanna see that happen including me This would help the beta war system out a lot
Syn_pee-wee mentioned weighted party drops on hunts, asking for little or no drops for LBH so I feel I have to chime in here. Synergy is one of the best clubs in the game. They are not all like you. Many clubs can't finish their parties without LBH. My boyfriend who introduced me to the game but doesn't play anymore looks at LBH as relief pitchers in baseball. The clock is winding down and everyone has unloaded already and they're helplessly watching time tick away. Many parties are won because of LBH. So not giving them drops is ridiculous. I've merced for synergy and I love your club. You always have 100 members and quickly replace one when they leave. You don't call for LBH so I'm sorry if you feel your club is at a disadvantage. Just FYI. There are many other great clubs with 80 or so members that don't need to call for LBH but do so to finish a party quicker. Quicker parties= more parties during hunts= benefit perms. Just saying
I'm not going through the comments to see if this was brought up, but if it was I apologize, if not, here we go. The ability to swap out dorm members, for those that still cost the same amount. A lot of people swap builds all the time, and it would just be a tad but easier and a lot less time consuming having to earn to replace and evict the one you already have. Psst, no transferring of ecs and DNS. Gosh, that would just make for more beggars that everybody already complains about.
People lost the concept of the game because of the parties. Raising the plunder in wars or a bonus award after each war, will encourage ppl that don't understand the reason of building up stats and TB. A lot of players are like a car in a car show. Building stats is for competition . To hit parties a person only need 15m in tuts time their kcs to get max payout. Players only see wars as a waste of time because they know they can make more money in a party verse a war. You can create all the beautiful hunts with a billion stat items for a reward, but what good is that stat item if you don't put it to the test. Parties was a good idea to help people build stats, but now the community is spoil with the huge payouts. Raise war plunder by making it competitive to these parties.
Also to add, i think ec items should have bonus stats like for example mints can give bonus of 500/500 but players can only have like 10 at a time, be able to rearrange my dorm(my dorm is soo messy haha), something like a group chat besides the club chat.. That would be cool and group chat is i think one of the most needed in this game
I agree with the earlier post about hit ranges being revamped 800kcs being hit by lcbc seems a bit excessive. Pvp payouts should be increased more risk then pve so should get paid more per hit.
Also pimd_admin- You guys already know what featured we want most. iOS users need to see who's partying. Android users need to see the drops. Windows users need to have the game available to them. More jobs. Ability to gift multiples of same item at one time. You might be asking finally, but we have been telling you what we want for years. And give the war people more wars. I'm a party person but give the other half some more to look forward to.
I think the Cat Cafe party should be taken away and the Hipsters should come back temporarily. But I think the CC party should be promo party if anything and not a regular permanent party.
Oh and make the hunts easier the hunt. It seems like people with higher stats always have the higher advantage of winning items.
Pots need a reform. 1/ A single button to buy 10,000 of all pots. Seriously, its just not fun buying 1000s of each pot periodically across multiple accounts, impacts anyone who wars or sfws and cannot be a difficult thing to code. 2/ Larger pots now we havw new levels? 3/ If not the above, lose them all together, or at least the lower strength pots
Make ata able to unlock your login on a device when the server thinks your trying to use multiple accounts after flashing multiple ROMs on android.
I think a feature shud be created where u can mark people on ur friends list and take them off it. As taking them off one by one is way too long