[DISCUSSION] What’s your dream PIMD feature?

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. Bring back all the avis for a short amount of time because some people didn't have a chance to buy them. So I played this game more than three years and when I first played it, I had no idea how the game worked. It'd be great to give a more thorough walkthrough of the game. And bring in more hunts. We love em. I love em. :)
  2. I wanna hear more of pimd admins idea seems awesome
  3. wait... What if you're dating someone do you have to ask them out again? 
  4. And when I say asking for RP I mean advertising RP clubs and asking for individual RP.
  6.  Hulk
  7. Pimd_Admin

    Please take note that some of us players really like jobs and would love some new ones with more better pay outs. Please and Thank you.
  9. I'd like an option to delete/ hide showcase items. I have so many that I'm afraid to open my own profile at times because it will crash my decive. It also effects me going to other profiles which makes party hopping a pain. I've accidentally hired tuts and followed people because the profile loads so strangely.

    I've also long thought that the owner and club admins should see a "doorbell" message in club chat. I think it could give fun messages you can adapt to the season. Like at Halloween [Update]Zombies are at the door, where's the shoot gun?
  10. It was the laughing emoji.

  11. Why dont you do something for the couples in game 
  12. Like people say everyday… this isnt a dating game and I dont think we should do anything to promote it.

    I agree that we need
    • Mass gifting
    • Show cat/bikini drops for androids
    • More mods
    • More betta wars
  14. In one of my thread I have discussed about Color change on basis of VIP rank ill love if we have such kinda think and also if we can see who are next to our vip rank
  15. and yes android should be able to see drops
  16.  there are a lot of good ideas here!

    I love the idea of small design changes, such as the loading screen wallpaper, app icon, tutor chat notifications, etc. and personally, would love to see a total amount invested in tutes. It would help smaller players reach max plunder via tutor bonus.

    I also love the bigger ideas, like war tournaments, war related hunts, and Riccena's suggestion of war rosters not being sorted by plunder, but by club rank, with plunder still visible. It really screws around with war strategy to have the roster changing constantly.

    We do need a dedicated forum mod team. With the exception on Off Topic, old threads from other categories are being deleted too fast.. We like our history here, guys!  If we had a mod team, useless one line threads could be deleted fast, allowing room to keep good threads in other categories, like wars, strategy, clubs, questions/feedback etc. Don't delete all the good stuff for someone's contentless "Hi" thread :/

    I would love to see more community based competitions! We have a lot of talented people here, and I love seeing people show their creativity. Not only drawing avatars, but maybe a limited time, player drawn gift comp, best (clean) jokes comp, maybe even a pimd based fan fic comp (some of our writers are brilliant). Just as a few suggestions, probably lame 

    Thanks for giving us this opportunity, ATA!! 
  17. Of course bae. <6969
  18. Something tells me ricecakes has a wench related thirst he wants to meet a maiden at a pirate bar ?
  19. PIMD

    I personally don't think the couple idea is a great. I've seen it incorporated Into other games and for the most part people tend to "date" their alts in order to gain awards. Leaving many players stuck without the possible bonuses and again creating a bigger divide between VIP players and regular players who are striving for VIP.
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