
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. HELLOO! So I have NO assignments (YAY) so I'mma update! YAY.


    Laws. Have you ever heard someone complain about it? Say that it was stupid? Yeah, I know, it can help people. But sometimes, it kills you.

    "I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Natasha." the gruff man said.

    I nodded thanks and traveled my gaze to the stack of papers on his desk.

    He followed my gaze, "Ah, okay. Let's get down to business then."

    "So I'm not legal yet?" Scott asked, straightening his tie, uncomfortable.

    "No, you aren't. So you cannot live on your own." the lawyer explained.

    "B-But.." Scott said, "I turn eighteen in eight months! Can't you wait?"

    The man, I think his name was Mr. Sanders, shook his head, "I'm sorry. But it's what it says in the law."

    I heard Scott muttur under his breath, "Stupid law."

    I cleared my throat, "S-So, we stay in an...an.....


    The lawyer shook his head, "Since your brother is so close to the legal age and we want to avoid having to send you to a orphanage, you will be staying with your godparents."

    Godparents? I had godparents?

    The lawyer tapped his desk, snapping both our heads up, "Do you want to go different godparents or the same?"

    "The same." we both echoed. Scott was the only family I had now. I could not stand to lose him.

    "Are you sure? No taking backs?"

    We both glanced at each other.

    "We're sure."

    The lawyer took off his spectacles, "Well, the only godparents you have in common is.....

    Mr. And Mrs. Samuels."

  2. O.O
    God-siblings with Leo(yay!) and Tiara(nuu!)?
    Epic. O.O
  3. Exactementum.

    And theyre going to live with them. 
  4. *Gasp*
    Yes,I know,Aslan. 
  5. Lucky you,no assignments. I accidentally left my maths workbook under my desk and I'm gonna have to apologise personally tomorrow. :3
  6. OMG THAT HAPPENED TO JOYCE. So I had to take a pictures of the book and send it to her.  We have assignments, but theyre quizzes and i already studied. 
  7. OMG...I'm scared of calling my friends. : ( 'cause they were going to my friend's house today,and I'm kinda scared about calling them : (
  8. Whyy? Pm me!!
  9. Luckily,my form teacher is super understanding. : D
  10. BUMP^^ i want moarr
  11. Tiff: I was reading the comments and I noticed that you said "Leo"  Its Liam.  
  12. Uh oh, bump!