
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. (101st post!! )
  2. ()
  3. (104 post) HEHE. *laughs evily*
  4. (106 post) HA. 
  5. (107. Take that,Aslan! )
  6. (108 post!!) 
  7. (109!!!!  just update already )
  8. QUIZ TIME!!
    Pick a heart:

  9. UPDATE!!! BUMP!!!
  10. Tiff,  

    Updatee? Uhh. Super short okay? Like super duper duper. I wont post in yer walls anymore cause im in a hurry.


    LIAM's POV

    Damn. She's beautiful. She really is.

    The days dragged on for what seemed like an eternity. She never came back to school. Well, okay, it was still Monday but I missed her.

    I loved the way I made her laugh in the dance. The way she smiled at me. Even the way she beat me in Modern Warfare!

    But... There's Tiara. Yeah, she's my sis but she hates Tasha. Beautiful Tasha.

    And I don't think she's going to allow me to make a move on her.

    Especially considering the turn we were about to take in our lives.

  11. Yay! Finally I get a response 
  12. Bummmmp!
    Am sad u didn't tell me u updated
  13. Sorry lucky. I was in a hurry and they demanded for an update so i did one really fast and I didnt have time to tell everyone cause i had to study.  ill tell you next time though. 
  14. Naw thanks it ok 
    Keep updating!!