
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Glad to hear there's an ending ^.^ I've been wondering what'll happen
  2. Update! Must have moooooore
  3. update!!!!! wow andi it's like u never stopped writing ii love it!!!! 

  4. I read this today. Ermagersh. This is so good.... Seriously. I've felt that way before; how she was bullied... It's horrible how there are people like that that do exist.  But this story is amazing 
  5.  update it now!  and let me know when u have updated 
  6. update or I'll die 


  8. Amazing, as always. 

    MORE! 
  9. Bump! I'm so glad to see my dear Amber updating one of the only original stories left <3
  10. This is nostalgic.
  11. ._. Why is this so gooood?
  12. I'm different yea I'm different
  13. I. Need. More. Of. This. Now.
  14. Man .-. If only I could write like this
    And I will make a sequel.


    Music is something I can't live without. Doesn't everybody listen to music? Don't you ever think, why? I mean, I don't think all song can relate to people. Our opinions are obviously different from the composer's.

    So why is music so important to so many people?

    Because it speaks. You hear music, music speaks. Each one of us has a different interpretation of our favorite songs, and that's what makes music so special. We all are convinced that our own interpretation is correct. That's not a bad thing, because that's what music is about. It allows you to show your own understanding of things.

    That is also why music is so powerful.


    I was jittery. I was jumping, sweating, peeing, crying, all at the same time. At least that's how it felt to me. My painting was up there, and right now, two elderly couples were scrutinizing it and whispering to each other.

    Like I said, jitters.

    And the fact that Jasmine was SO confident about her painting was NOT helping.

    "You did great, Tash," Scott said. He had tears in his eyes, I know. I had painted a family portrait, all of us smiling, but Mom and Dad's baks had wings putruding out, as they each lay a hand on both of us.

    "I hope it's enough," I whispered back. Just as I was going to say something more, I felt my breath catch.

    This just in, two teenage couples walked by.

    Liam and Jasmine. Jayden and Tiara.

    Great, so they're a little clique now? Ganging up against poor Natasha? How mature.

    My angry thoughts distracted me from my worried thoughts, but not long enough.

    Mrs. Potter broke into my thoughts, sending me back into my jittery state.

    "Welcome, welcome. May I ask everyon to talk a seat for we will be announcing our scholarship winners," she said, up on the stage behind the podium.

    Scott and I grabbed a seat, and he squeezed my hand for reassurance.

    Thanks bro, but it didn't help.

    Once everyone was settled, Mrs. Potter cleared her throat and began speaking, "As you all know Delton School for Arts has given us the priveledge to host two of our students the great honor of earning a scholarship to their remarkable school."

    "We have already narrowed the contestants to three finalists. May I please ask Natasha Williams, Jasmine Toh, and Alana Jones to stand up and come on stage!"

    Slowly, I stood up. Jasmine was, obviously, the first to rush up the stage, grinning and posing at the crowd as if it could help her. I made sure Mrs. Potter was standing in between us, I didn't need any injuries.

    "And now, I am proud to announce our first winner..." she opened an envelope and smiled, "Alana Jones, with her painting, Sunshine and City Lights!"

    The crowd immediately rose, clapping and hooting as Alana walked to Mrs. Potter in tears. Her family and boyfriend was screaming, "That's our girl!" I, on the other hand, was still jittery. I clapped for her, and when I looked up, I saw Jasmine sending me death glares. One slot left.

    The crowd settled, and Mrs. Potter took the other envelope, "And finally, for the last slot," she opened the envelope, "May I congratulate...."


    I'll end it there. 
    I wonder how many people still read Different. 
    Anyway, sorry for any typos!
  16. I. NEED. MORE. NOW. Wall me when it updates!!! ^.^