
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  2. Soooooo. I wasn't planning on updating but Torie reminded me about this story, and all my imaginations and plans for the story came rushing back and I was just like, "I HAVE TO CONTINUE IT." SO TADA.

    Still remember what happens? Lol. Last updated, three pages back. Liam leaves Natasha? Orange juice tetra pack? Remember?


    Monday wasn't a good day for me. I kept my head low and my movements minimal. I didn't bother talking to anyone, even to text Jayden. I dressed like someone had died, and I guess it was true in some way. That part of me hoping that Liam actually liked me had died. It was shriveled up and torn apart.

    It was last period, and I was exhausted. I almost broke down crying three times today, and I actually ran to the bathroom during fifth period, bawling my eyes out. But finally, it was last period. The final - and worst - period. Worst because Liam AND Jasmine were in the class. I was so not ready to see them acting all lovely-dovey.

    "Look what the hyenas dragged in," Jasmine sneered when I entered the classroom.

    I ignored her and looked at Liam, who was seated beside her, instead. His head was low, and he was writing something in his notebook, but he had heard. I knew.

    "Doesn't she look terrible today?" Jasmine asked him, as I slid into my seat at the back of the classroom. He finally stopped writing and turned to face me. Our gazes locked, and I don't know what I saw. Sadness? Guilt? Regret?

    He mumbled a few words that I couldn't understand and turned his back to me. Jasmine smirked at me, then, rolling her eyes, she grabbed Liam and kissed him hard on the mouth. When she pulled away, she looked at me immediately, her lips still playing that same smirk.

    I got the guy and you didn't.


    But there was one thing she didn't steal from me yet, and I wasn't going to let her take that away from me.

    Paint splattered my shirt and hands, but I continued painting in my small room. I was not going to mess this up too. I had to win the competition. That scholarship was my way out.

    I was halfway through when I felt hands wrap around my waist and lips make contact with my cheek.

    As usual, my stupid brain impulse hoped it was Liam.

    "How's my little Michaelangelo doing?" Jayden was smiling, and I strained my own smile, turning around in his arms. I saw his sparkling eyes, and a pang of guilt hit me. I felt terrible for leading him on. He loved me, he did. But I didn't. It was all a lie. Our relationship was a complete lie.

    He noticed my change my attitude and frowned, "What's wrong?"

    What's wrong?! I might be in love with my enemy's brother and other enemy's boyfriend, who I might add, is living in this house. Who almost kissed my two days ago. Who hates me now. Oh, right, you're my boyfriend. I can't be in love with someone else. Whoops, sorry Jay, I'm a faker. That's what's wrong.

    "I need to talk to you," I finally said, moving out of his arms and sitting down on my bed. He sat beside me, a confused expression on his face. He looked so adorable. I liked him, but not as much as I should. I studied him. His side swept hair which caught my eye the day in the hospital. His smile which had made me smile back countless time. His lips which had kissed me in the rain. His eyes which had locked with me from three stories below.

    I was going to loose that all.

    I was going to loose my best friend. The one who stuck with me, no matter how much crap I wen through.

    I started tearing up then, like an idiot. I just kept crying.

    "Natasha..." He moved closer and put his arm around me but I pushed him away, "Don't."

    I took a deep breath and sucked it in, "Jayden...I-I can't do this anymore." I didn't even have to tell him. He understood me perfectly. He became silent for a while.

    Finally, he whispered, "It's Liam, isn't it?"

    That broke me. I started sobbing again, and just let it out. I placed my head in my hands, and just cried. I felt him hug me, and savored that last hug. That last feel of his arms around me.

    And when I looked up, he was gone.



    I hope I still have readers. 
  3. Amber!

    I love it! But I'm a bit confused. Doesn't matter though, this give me a chance to reread it. BUMP!!!
  4. :3 She needs to get over Liam and stay with Jayden. There is a time for everything, and gurrrrlllll it's time for you to move on!
  5. 
  6. Woohoo!!! 
    Welcome back!!
  7. Im reading updaaaaaate lol
  8. *lose
    I'm waiting...
  9. Uuuuuppppppdddddaaaaaaattttteeeeee
  10. Update please  and wall me when u do or I'll forget about it and wasted 2 hours reading this if I don't get to know the end 
  11. Omg I freaking love this story and I love liam lol!!! Bump and update soon plz!!!!
  12. I'm on a roll! :> No school today!
    Read till the end. There's a very very important announcement in the end.


    When I was seven, my parents took me to Disneyland. It was such a seven-year-old thing to do, and it was after the Crayon Incident, so it may have been a guilt trip. We went on rides, and despite Scott annoying me the whole way, it was fun. Anyway, when we were waiting in line to go on Shrek 3D, we heard some intense arguing. It was a couple in front of us. I remember staring at them in awe because they were both so gorgeous. The girl was like a model: blond hair, green eyes, killer body. The guy was equally as gorgeous with a lean frame, brown hair, and blue eyes. They were so different, but they looked so good together. But the girl had tears streaming down her face, and the guy had turned a shade of red.

    “It’s none of your business!” I heard the girl say, and gosh – even her voice was silky smooth, “If you would trust me—“

    “Why should I? You’ve already betrayed me before!” the guy snapped.

    “Don’t bring this into the conversation! Connor, that was fourteen months ago!”

    “How do I know it didn’t happen again?”

    “Ugh! You can be so…so…”


    “So…so sensitive sometimes! Like, trust me on this one, okay! There’s nothing going on! If you would just look at how inconsiderate you’re being—“

    “I don’t know what to think anymore!”

    “Do you think I do?” the girl said, exasperatedly.

    The guy – Connor – looked at her suddenly, with such pain and passion rolled into one, “I’m sorry B, I really am,” his voice dropped low, and she reached out and touched his arm.

    “I’m sorry too.”


    My memory ended there, but it was still there nonetheless I thought about it, about how they seemed so perfect for each other. How they were both so sure of each other. But the girl held a secret, and it tore their relationship.


    Had I made a mistake? I could apologize. But what would I say? I couldn’t say that I still loved him, because deep, deep down, I know I didn’t. And I don’t want to lie to him anymore.

    So I let him leave. I let him walk away from us. I sat on my bed for a few minutes, not sobbing, but just allowing the tears to stream.


    I didn’t notice Scott by the door. I looked at him, and I saw that he was scared. Scared for me.

    “Was that Jayden?” he said, coming and sitting beside me, where Jayden had sat.

    I nodded,

    “Liam, right?”

    My jaw dropped, “How-?”

    “I’m your brother, Tash, it’s my job to know what’s going on with you,” he sighed, and looked around my room. Then spotting my half finished canvass, he said, “Delton, right?”

    I nodded again, “Two slots. Three of us.”

    He nodded, “I heard. When’s the showcase?”


    He glanced at me in alarm, “What?! Tash, I hate to break it to you, but that’s in two days.”

    I sulked, “I know.”

    He suddenly stood up and stood in front of me, “Natasha. I’m not letting you throw your future away because of some boy. Get up, and go finish you work.”

    I looked up to him, shocked by his gruffness. Slowly, my lips curled into a half smile, “You know who you’re sounding like right now, right?”

    He smiled too, “Yeah.”

    I took time to absorb this and it felt nice, “Do you miss them?”

    “I do. A lot.”

    “Me too.”

    “Buuuut. They wouldn’t want you to waste your future, so chop chop, Tash, you have a painting to finish.” He held his hands out.

    I laughed and took his hands, letting him pull me up. He was right. I couldn’t let my future get destroyed because of some boy.

    “What is that, anyway?” he looked at my painting again.

    I smiled, “You’ll see.”


    A T T E N T I O N :

    I'd just like to say that sadly, Different is about to end. Maybe less than five updates left.


    I'll be making a sequel. My train of thought does not end there. I have WAY WAY WAAAAY more drama coming! Trust me, this was just mild. So stay tuned to my sequel! 
  13. Aaaaah moooooore! Love it
  14. Love it! Bump
  15. Give us a sneak peek of the squeal
  16. I will! But there's still about three more updates before the end! c;