
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Thank you Mia, Sammi, Emmzo, Lucky and Reya!

    Danz: What that 'spose to mean?  ._.
  2. Finally an update! Bump!
  3. Bump
    brilliant i'd so many people can relate in some shape or form
    Update soon
  4. AMAZING as always! 
    I teared up too and I really feel like I can relate to that situation.

    Keep Writing! 
  5. I love you tension in your writing please update and last update was super sad:-(
  6. I was *this* close from bursting into tears. It was so heart wrenchingly sad. And amazing. Pure amazingness.
  7. Danzo, When you wanting your birthday chicken and noodles? :D
  8.  i spent my whole day just readin this  andi i thnk i flipping love u  will u marry my top hated penguin ? 

  9. UPDATE! I spent like 1 hour reading all this. 
  10. AHHH. I found iittt! (": this was the amazing PiMD days<3 I'll update this someday. Check out my other story, Gone with the Wind. Just started it.

    I miss this story. And the people in it. c;
  11. I loved this story c:
  12. thanks Kira :3 I'll be continuing it after my finals! ^^
  13. Amber. If you brought this story
  14. Crap. I forgot I'm not suppose to use the "and" symbol.

    Anyways,where was I? Oh yeah.

    Amber if you brought this story back just so you can reflect on "memories" I will stalk you and hint you down with my tiger. He may look cuddly and cut but he's vicious. VICIOUS!!! You need to FINISH THIS STORY!!! It was a really good one. Or my Stripped beast shall be set loose on your actions. THIS I SWEAR!!!!!


    I'll be watching……
  15. *cute.

    It really set the mood off when you make a mistake on a opposing threat
  16. Lolol. I'll continue it, but I have finals so I don't have time to write up an update. And nuuuu. Not the tigerrr! 