
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Sammi, for you, I'm going to be updating tomorrow.  I'll try to make it as long as possible, but definitely, an update is coming. Acted waiting for so long, I hope y'all still remember the story line! 
  2. I'm ur reader who lurks
  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! :D
    At least this weekend.
  5. Do it... Or SlenderMan will attack you e.e
  6. It may SEEM short, but I have another update coming! :>


    "Now, everyone, breathe IN, thaaaaat's purfect!" Twi's voice echoed throughout the dark room. Everyone sat on the floor, squatting, and eyes closed.

    A snicker sounded. Then a giggle. Everyone, including me, thought this was stupid. It was stupid.

    I heard her squeak around the room, pacing.

    "Have you ever been hurt?"

    She stopped directly behind me, and her voice rang clear as she asked the question.

    Through my own opened-a-bit eyes, I saw some people peeking and exchanging glances saying, Is she serious?

    "Have you ever felt pain? Sadness?"

    She started pacing again, and her haunting voice carried throughout the room.

    Have I?

    Have I actually ever felt unbearable, sorrowful pain?

    I pondered upon this again and again, and decided, maybe not. I dwelt on pain everyday, so when it would strike, I wouldn't notice it. It would seem numb to me; too little a façade to dwell upon.

    "Yes, dear. What's your name? Ah. Frankie."

    My eyes flew open, and I was greeted by the sight of Frankie raising her hand in the air. Her back was straight and her head was held high but I could see her lipgloss-layered lip quivering a bit.

    Twi nodded at her, and Frankie started to speak. Surprisingly, everyone stopped talking and direction their attention to her.

    "Hey," she started, "So y'all know me right? And know that I'm, like, popular?"

    I had to roll my eyes at that one.

    "Yeah, so, well, under all this popularity...is someone sad. Depressed. Lonely."

    It was then that I stopped thinking this was some messed up 90210 show and actually started to listen to her. Her eyes were rimmed with red, and a single drop of tear escaped every so often.

    "My dad and mom divorced when I was...about six? Anyway...last summer, Mom remarried. Like, what? The guy seemed nice enough...
    At first.
    Mom's an oversea worker, so she had to leave every so often. And the guy...did things to me. Not the things you think, you pervert. But...physical abuse. I get a 97 in Chemistry? Thats three hits from the belt for every point I missed from a hundred. Don't look so shocked, d-don't you notice I wear sweaters now?" a sigh,
    "I'm sorry, I-I'm bursting out l-like th-this..
    I-It's the shame. I-I feel so w-worthless. So u-used. L-Like I don't have a-anything b-better to d-do. Like I'm just a t-tool," she started sobbing now, tears erupting like waterfalls. Miranda grabbed her and hugged her, rubbing her in the back.

    Everyone stared at her for a second, then we all turned to stare at Twi. For once, everyone listened to the guru. She had tears streaming down her face, and she went to her table and grabbed a couple of cotton tissues, damping them under her eyes.

    "Well," she breathed, "That was something, wasn't it?"

    It was something, and I sat there, my jaw threatening to drop. Evil Frankie, a depressed soul? It was either a great acting piece or a genuine story. Though I had a strong disdain for the girl, I had to believe it was the latter.

    The rest of the afternoon had an awkward and bitter taste to it, and everyone could feel it. I had to hand it to Twi, she tried to make it better. But everyone was already preoccupied with the fact that the biggest news since Jasmine arriving had hit.

    Soon, it was time to disperse. I wanted to approach Frankie and talk to her, but her own group of minions were already doing so. Shrugging, I started my travel back to my house.

    It was a short distance, and I soon found myself pushing open the wooden door of the house.

    A text came in almost immediately. And it was from no other than Jayden.

    How was the thing? I heard about Frankie. How you holding up?

    I smiled, and texted him back saying that I was fine and that I was shocked too. I multitasked and walked into my room, dropping my bookbag on the floor.

    Then I turned, and screamed.

  7. 

    "Gosh, you just gave me a heart attack," I let out a breath, staring wide-eyed at the blond boy standing by my dresser.

    Liam looked sheepishly at me, "Uh-sorry. I wasn't like, being a perv or anything...do you still have my wallet?"

    His wallet? Why would I have his.....oh.

    It all came back to me. The hospital. Me clutching his leather wallet. Him walking into Jayden and I kissing.

    "I think," I went to my tiny bookshelf, and started pulling out some random books, "It's here somewhere....ah."

    I pulled the leather bounded object out and handed it to him. Our hands brushed for the tiniest of seconds, but it was long enough to get my heart rate pulsing.


    He could feel it too. I just know it. He held on to the wallet - and me - like his life depended on it. His fingers wrapped around mine tightly.


    Don't let go of this moment, Liam. Please.


    Our eyes met, and I thought, this is it. I'm going to finally know how he feels about me. He opened his mouth, his lips forming words. The lips I had once kissed.

    "I-I have to go," he murmured instead and my world fell. I dropped my hand sadly. The sadness filled my heart, and I ducked my head low, towards my feet. I had hoped, at least, that he would tell me that he still cared. I had hoped, that he wouldn't leave me like this.

    But he had.

    As quickly as it came, the sadness left, and was replaced by overwhelming anger. I stormed towards his slowly retreating figure and spun him around.

    "Tell me now, Liam," I said, half-snarling, half-pleading, "Was it all a lie?"

    He knew exactly what I was talking about. Us.

    "It wasn't. But..I can't be with you. I'm sorry," he muttered.

    That wasn't enough for me. It seemed like a silly excuse to get out of here. A getaway story. An alibi.

    I was getting angrier by each word.

    "YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!" I yelled, "You can't just kiss me, be all sweet to me, then act like nothing happened the next day! It's. Not. Right."

    He looked up at me, eyes sad, "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

    But I was on a roll now, "Yeah you hurt me. On more than one occasion. All I ever did was lov-like you. You told me that I was the only girl you liked. What kind of crap was that? Cut me some slack, Liam. I've been hurt enough times!" Tears fell, and the sadness just deepened in my heart.

    "I do...still like you," he said.


    "...but I like Jasmine too," he ended.

    I've had enough. He didn't want me? Fine. I wanted him. I loved it. Past tense? Maybe. It was all too confusing.

    "Fine then," I snapped, "Go and get married and have beautiful babies and forget about what we ever had."

    I didn't know if he even still had a heart, but my heart was torn by him. He treated me like his princess. He flirted endlessly with me. He kissed me. He told me countless compliments. He told me he'd never leave me. He told me I'd be his only girl.

    All. Bull.

    It hurt. And the tears were pouring out endlessly now, as I watched him leave the room and me like this.

    He left me, alone. He started it. He made me smile. He...was everything I wanted.

    What happened to that guy I played Modern Warfare with? The one who danced with me? The one who gave me flowers and who send me sweet messages.

    That guy is gone. And I'm still here, hoping that he'll return.


    This update really really made me tear up, because I can relate to it's words so much. How someone can tear you in half in a span of a day. How they can break your heart, right after mending it. How they can be the sweetest, most caring guy ever, but in reality, they never gave a darn. You. Never. Cared.

    -Comments, feedback please!-
  8. AMAZING!!! BUMP!!'
  9. I can feel her pain too.  Awkward moment when they held the wallet  Aaaaaanyways im feeling too hyper right now but it was ah-may-zinggggg 
  10. NOOO LIAAAAAMMMMMM So sad
  11. Feedback: UPDATE MORE OFTEN!!! Otherwise, PERFECT.
  12. update!!!!!!!!!!!! 