
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Aaaagghhh bump class writing andi 
  2. Omg I just finished reading this today and I love it is absolutely amazing bump!!! Them girls are such meanies it makes me sad she has to go through that and I like Liam the most is seems he like her more then jayden I think he just with because he thinks he loves when he actually doesn't but Liam really loves her that's what I think lol sorry i wrote this and it's so long hehe please update soon
  3.  Whoa… 

  4. Lol this story Is just that goodbump!!
  5. Woo! update!!!!!!
  6. Bumpity bump bump!!
  7. Thank you!

    Please read my one-shot, Footprints in the Sand!
  8. Lol, yes, yes you did Bekka. Thank you by the way. <33
  9. *pulls out a titanium baseball bat* BITCH IS GONNA GET IT!!! *sing song voice*
  10. Just read it
    It's sooooooooooooooooo good!!!!!
  11. Wow… 101 pages…
  12. Lol 102 now
  13. When's the updates
  14. Update pleeeeaaaaase